Chapter 2

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August 31, 2016

I laid on the couch in my pajamas still replaying Sunday's event at the Performance Center. My mind kept me occupied by giving me every little detail that Mark possessed. I can't get enough of him, his brown eyes lit up like little stars, his smile killed me, and the way he taught me how to correct my counter move is just insane.

While I was up in my own head, Katie entered the living room with some breakfast in her hands. "Hey, you good? You look like a lost and confused puppy," she asked me.

I sat up and ran my hands through my light orange hair, "I'm fine."

Katie set down my breakfast plate and sat on the couch with me, "You're thinking about that Mark guy, aren't you?"

I felt the blood rush to my face again, "No! Yes! Maybe?"

She smiled widely, "Oh, you're hooked aren't you?"

I let out a deep sigh, "It's his fault that he came over to us, not me."

"I know, but what are you thinking about? I see those gears turning," she asked.

My left hand ran through my hair once again, "Ok, you caught me. He's a fucking God! He's so perfect from appearance to personality. His hair falls perfectly to the side, his sparkling blueish-brown eyes capture the sunlight, his skin is so smooth, his lips look so soft and kissable, and his physic? Don't even get me started on that!"

Katie just stared at me with her jaw hanging open, "Oh Ni, you're not hooked on him, you're in love with him. OMG!"

My crystal blue eyes popped out of my head, "Am I?"

She nodded furiously, "You are. That's how I felt when I was starting to accept my feeling for TJ. Nixon, you're in love with Mark Andrews."

"Oh no," I said.

"Oh yes, and we are going to the NXT UK tournament to watch him tonight so get ready," she said jumping off the couch with her breakfast in hand.

"Wait! We're going to the tournament," I asked in shock.

"Oh yes we are, Wonderland," she said with a proud smile.


The tournament was being held at Full Sail University, home of NXT. The doors of the college haven't opened yet, so members of the WWE Universe were waiting outside in the slight heat. Katie and I rode to the University together and pulled into the talent parking lot with everyone else working at this historic event. As we parked the car and got out, the crowd outside started cheering and yelling at us to notice them, which we did because we're not bad people.

After talking to some of the fans, we head inside the arena and talked to some of the men that are competing tonight. Just as we were about to head to the ring, a familiar Filipino man catches up with us.

"They are my two favorite girls," TJ said hugging us.

"Babe, what are you doing here," Katie asked.

"I came to watch the boys. Why can't I be here," he questioned.

"I don't know," she giggled.

"So who are you rooting for," I asked.

"It better be me, Perkins," a certain voice said.

All three of us turned around and saw Mark walk up to us all dressed in his ring gear. That familiar feeling rushed to my cheeks once again, and I think Katie noticed. I don't know what it is about Mark that's so intoxicating, but I can't stop drinking it in.

TJ smiled and high-fived Mark, "What's up man! You know I got your back any day."

"Wait, you two know each other," I said surprisingly.

"Yeah, we worked on Impact together," Mark said tapping TJ on the chest.

Katie stared at Mark for a while and I could see her gears turning, "You used to go by Mandrews back in Impact and won British Boot Camp season two. Oh my gosh, why didn't I see that earlier?"

Mark smiled and laughed at Katie's excitement, "That's me."

We had some small talk going until TJ got hungry all of a sudden and excused himself to go to catering, and who went with him? Katie, that's who! Now I'm standing here awkwardly in front of Mark and apparently I forget how to speak.

Mark's POV:

I spotted one of my best friends, TJ Perkins, talking to those two girls I met at the Performance Center. One of the girls has long ombre hair going from brunette to blonde, bright brown eyes, and stands at about five-foot-one. I know that's Katie because of TJ, he's still my pal after all.

The other girl caught my eye the other day when I was helping her. Her light orange hair fell to her shoulder blades, her blue eyes were like crystals that shined in the sun, light freckles were spotted across her face just under her eyes and across her nose. I could hear a slight accent in her voice, maybe Australian? That's Nixon, and I just have this feeling I should get to know her more and I don't know why.

I hung around with the crowd making small talk until TJ and Katie left for catering, though I can't complain because the food catering has is so good. I stand there in front of Nixon observing her, and there's something about her that I just want to know. I want to know more.

"So, do you know who you're facing for the first round," she asked me.

Yeah, she's an Aussie.

"I'm facing Tyler Bates, he's pretty good but I think I got chance," I said trying to sound confident in front of her.

"That's good. Oh, by the way, thanks for helping me the other day at the Center. I was trying to think of new material and you helped me a lot. Thanks," she said, with a hint of pink highlighting her freckles.

"It was my pleasure. I like your outfit, by the way," I complimented.

She glanced down to note her outfit, "Oh, thanks. I like your gear, you must be a fan of planes."

"Thank you, but it goes with my motto," I said with a bright smile.

"What's your motto," she asked.

"High-fives and stage dives, that kind of hints why I have a plane on my gear. Hey, I gotta go but I'll see you around okay," I said. 

"I'll see you around. Bye," she said.

"Bye," I said walking away.

Oh my gosh, she's something else and I can't wait to get to know her more and more. However, I have to put Nixon on hold and focus on this tournament because being in WWE is one of the items on my bucket list, and I can now check that off.

End of POV

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