Chapter 4

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September 1, 2016

Mark's POV

I woke up early, on purpose, and started my morning routine which consisted of a morning workout in my basement. Yes, I have a small gym in my basement, get over it you pricks. Anyway, after my workout was done I walked back upstairs to the third floor to wash myself off and to also see if Nixon was awake yet, and she wasn't.

After I showered, I put on a pair of black sweatpants and didn't even bother about a shirt but it was laying on the couch for later. In my kitchen, I looked through my cabinets and fridge for breakfast items but nothing sounded good. "What to make? What to make," I asked myself out loud.

My mind thought of making something simple, easy, and quick which ended up being pancakes with bacon and eggs. You can't go wrong with pancakes and the classic sides. I whipped out some pans and bowls to start making everything before Nixon wakes up.

As I flipped the last pancake in the pan, I heard light footsteps climb down the stairs. I quickly glanced up and saw Nixon linger up to the counter letting another yawn escape her watermelon pink lips.

"Morning, Planes," she said, trying to smooth out her bedhead hair.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," I smiled as I flipped the last pancake on her plate.

I slid a plate towards her with the classic sides waiting to be eaten. She sat down on a stool and ran her left hand through her shaggy hair, "Ugh, my hair is a mess."

I chuckled, "Your hair looks fine. Mine is worse sometimes."

She turned her head to me and gave me a 'really' look, "You have short hair, there's a difference. Plus, you've been blessed by the Hair Gods while I've been blessed with Mad Hatter hair."

I laughed out loud, "Just because I have short hair doesn't prove anything. I head bang almost every week and my hair is a wreck."

After breakfast, we sat on the couch and had the TV playing some show that none of us were watching. Nixon was playing on her phone, I couldn't help but steal glances in her direction because something deep inside my brain keeps telling me to learn more about her.

"I've been thinking of moving out of my apartment lately," Nixon said.

"Really? What's making you wanna do that," I asked curiously.

"Well, Katie's gonna move in with TJ in a few weeks so there's no reason for me to stay in that small apartment. Plus, I feel like Katie is gonna spend all of her time with him and not me," she said as the weight lifted off of her.

I rested my hand, that's closer to her, on her shoulder, "Katie's not gonna forget you or stop talking to you. She's just found her counterpart and is trying to plan for her future, but I'm pretty sure you're still in her heart and mind."

She smiled happily, "Thank, Mark. I needed to hear that."

"No problem, and if you can't a place yet my door is always open," I said.

"You're the best dude ever. I'm gonna head upstairs and get dressed," she said sitting up.

I nodded, "Okay then." As she jogged up the stairs, I sat still running my hand through my hair thinking of the most wonderful girl that's hanging out with me. "Damn Nixon, what are you doing to me?"

End of POV

After I got dressed, I walked back into the living room and saw Mark in the living room with a guitar in hand. "What are you doing," I asked him.

"I'm doodling on my guitar, wanna hear," he asked.

"Sure," I nodded taking a seat in front of him on the floor.

His hands rested on the proper strings and started to strum different cords and humming a song. His humming even sounded angelic, how does this man exist? My God, I think this man has captured my heart and I barely even know him. He finished playing around on his guitar and set it down, "What did you think?"

"You're really good," I said.

"Thank you. I'm actually in a pop-punk band called Junior," he said.

My eyes widened, "You're in Junior? No way, I love that band."

He chuckled, "I'm a vocalist and bassist of the band."

"Whoa, that's insane. Oh, thanks for letting me stay the night," I thanked.

He gave me a small side smile, "It was my pleasure, you're fun to hang out with."

I smiled back, "And you're fun to hang with too. You make me feel better about myself."

He titled his head a little, "I had no idea? Good to know."

I nodded, "Yeah, and I hope you don't mind me laying my head on your leg?"

He shook his head, "You're good, I like it."

I blushed lightly, "Good to know."

Mark put his phone down and brushed his fingers through my hair, which is really soothing too. "I have another match next week against Pete Dunne."

"That's awesome! I'll make sure to be there," I said.

"I was hoping you were. When's your next match," he asked.

I had to quickly think back on my schedule using muscle memory, "Tomorrow on Smackdown against Carmella."

"That'll be a great match," he said.

"I hope so," I replied.

"I know so," he said reassuring me.

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