Chapter 8

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October 28, 2016

Two days away from Hell in a Cell, and the pressure is for sure setting in Mark. Not only is this is first title defense, but this is also his first pay-per-view. Hell, even I'm nervous for him! The bright Boston sun shined over the city, Mark and I were gonna meet Katie and TJ at the gym before Smackdown tonight. After keeping my head movements to a minimum, I can now fully workout. Walking into the gym, the cold air engulfed my slim body and caked my fair skin with goosebumps. My arms immediately wrapped themselves in a hug moving up and down hoping to warm myself back up.

"Damn, it's cold in here. Why is it cold," I complained.

Mark pulled off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders, "Here, take mine."

I smiled, "Thanks. Katie and TJ should be here soon?"

As soon as I said that, the doors to the gym opened again revealing my two best friends. I smiled at them getting ready for this workout to begin. "What up, bitch," Katie greeted me with a hug.

"What up, jerk," I replied hugging her back.

The boys greeted each other with their manly high fives, then leaving us to ourselves. They went off to go lift some weights and do their stuff, leaving Katie and me to ourselves. We headed over to the yoga mats to start our warm-ups before we did anything else. Don't forget to stretch before and after working out! After stretching, we started cardio first and gradually working our way up to lifting weights.


After working out for an hour and a half, Katie and I sat down on a nearby bench to watch the boys keep going. Both the boys were shirtless now, which only made our mouths salivate like a waterfall. I know I get to see Mark's body every day and in the ring, but his workouts... that's a WHOLE different story, trust me.

He was set at the overhang bar getting ready to do some pull-ups and leg raises. My eyes were glued to him the whole time, as they should be. He jumped off the ground and caught himself on the bar, he set his hands on the smooth part of the bar and started his pull-ups. His arms bent and flexed perfectly, his abs crunched showing off his six-pack, and the sweat dripping down his body moved along his torso. If a string of drool is coming out of my mouth right now, it's well worth being seen.

I felt a tap on my shoulder breaking me from my trance. I turned my head to the side glancing at Katie who tapped me, "So how's you and Mark?"

"We're good. Living with the Welsh God isn't bad," I said.

"What did you say," Mark shouted.

"Nothing," I quickly said.

He shook his head while suspended in the air, "I'm watching you."

I nodded back, "Sure you are, Daddy."

Katie and I giggled amongst ourselves knowing damn well that's what happens at the house when we're home. "How are you and TJ," I asked.

She smiled, "We're awesome! Cupcake and Pugsley are being little monsters."

"Aww, that sounds fun," I said placing my hands over my heart.

"I know right, they keep me entertained" she said chuckling.

"You're one lucky woman," I said.

"Thanks. So how's Mark treating you? Is he being good," she asked.

I nodded, "He's super sweet, super caring, and he respects me and my choices."

Her eyes widened a bit, "Whoa, that's an improvement. Oh, what about the pact?"

"Ah, still clean but the intentions are there," I told her.

You see, my end of the pact still stands, however, Katie's doesn't. If I remember correctly, hers broke about five months ago? If you're wondering if I grilled TJ after I was told, you're damn right I did! Although, I will give TJ his gentleman card because he used the proper protection.

(I can't believe I just wrote that! I'm gonna need Jesus after this.)

Katie nudged me playfully with her shoulder, "Damn girl, if you want it then you get it."

We both busted out into laughter causing the boys to stop what they were doing and stare at us with questionable looks on their faces. We waved them off like it was nothing, but kept laughing because we know it's true.


Finally, the boys got finished with there workout which ended up being two hours. Actually, the four of us, we were gonna do a two-hour workout, but Katie and I got a little lazy towards the end. Whoops.

TJ and Mark gathered up all their stuff and crouched down catching their breaths. "I'm exhausted. You," TJ asked.

"Dude, that was intense," Mark replied.

"Remind me to pace myself, again. Babe, can you hand me a water bottle, please," TJ asked me.

Katie reached into her bag and removed an extra bottle she had, "Here you go."

He took it out of her hand and chugged half the bottle, "Thank you."

She smiled, "No problem, Monster."

He smiled back, "You know I am. Are you hungry for lunch?"

I nodded, "Yes I am. Ni, do you two wanna join?"

"We would love too, but we gotta head to the arena soon," Mark said.

"Oh, that's right. Next time hopefully," I said.

"Double date sometimes," Katie suggested.

"Ooh, we should," I replied.

I said my goodbyes to Katie and TJ hoping to see them again pretty soon. I followed Mark to the car and discussed our lunch options since we just worked out we want something light and healthy, at least something healthy but I do love my junk food so that's going to be hard. After great deliberation, we settled on Olive Garden which sounds really bad after doing a workout, but neither of us is wrestling tonight, so we're good until Sunday.

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