2.4 Roleplay Gone Wrong

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A/N: I had written about this last year but never got to post it, so I decided to re-write it entirely. This will be with my OC again to lift my spirits up, but I swear I'm also working on a reader fic 😊 this will probably be quite long...

Prompt: Hermione read about role-playing and decided to give it a try with her girlfriend. It proved to be a very exciting experience for both of them, but things turned south during a "bad student who's going to fail" session.



Stumbling upon a book from the Muggle world was always an exciting thing for Hermione, and even more exciting when that same book was a naughty one. It sent Hermione in a blushing frenzy, she always acted like it was something illegal - which wasn't an entire lie - and it made her feel somewhat of a rebel. She would act sneaky, curl her brown locks with her hair and bite her pink lips while reading.

It was during a rather heavy make-out session that Hermione addressed the topic to her long-time girlfriend. The older girl had Hermione pinned against a wall and had her left hand on her waist, while the other roamed inside Hermione's shirt, caressing her delicate skin. Being a prefect gave Hermione the perfect excuse to be roaming the dark corridors of Hogwarts at night, and she was sure to take advantage of it. Now, it wasn't like Hermione to 'waste' precious night study, but in a way... She was learning, was she not? Being with the new Care of Magical Creatures professor and all...

"Sebastia," whispered Hermione once she pulled away to breathe, resting her hands on her shorter girlfriend's shoulders. "I was wondering if-"

"No, 'Mione, I'm not giving you private classes, it's not fair to your classmates," the Slytherin replied with a small laugh.

"No! It's not that. It's just... I found this muggle book in the library about role-playing, and I was wondering if you'd like to give it a try?" the bookworm smiled sweetly, stealing a kiss from the surprised girl.

"I- come again?" Sebastia blinked, "They have books like those there? Does Madam Pince know?"

"Apparently it's not supposed to, you should've seen how red Madam Pince looked! But what do you say?"

"Sounds good to me, anything in mind?" Sebastia inquired with a smile, pressing her forehead to Hermione's.

The Gryffindor pursed her lips in thought. Hermione had a few ideas, one worse (each making her blush harder) than the other. She eyed her girlfriend's lips as she thought, a small idea popping into her mind.

"How about we start simple? Are you familiar with the Red Riding Hood tale?"

Sebastia couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion. Of course she knew, Hermione had read quite a few fables to Sebastia when she had gotten the flu. "What, don't tell me you want a big bad wolf to fuck you? Is this because I'm a werewolf?"

The bookworm flushed pink, a small innocent smile surfacing. "Maybe."

"Well, I hope you're energized. You're going to be sore for a couple of days, my love."


Role-playing turned out to be better than both girls expected. It had been a month since that night in Hogwarts, a month since they started their new hobby. Their first, which Sebastia calls "The Big Bad Wolf", is Hermione's favorite. They had tried several fantasies since then, following a small list the bookworm had come up with.

✖️ Hermione x OC/Fem!Reader ✖️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt