1.5 You Could've Asked

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It was in a rainy winter evening when Hermione and her girlfriend were both studying together in the Gyrffindor common room. [Y/N] had asked Hermione for some help with Potions and, happier than ever, the bookworm said yes.

The two were nearly inseparable and knew each other even before coming to Hogwarts! They had gone to the same elementary school and had lived on the same block. When they saw each other on the Hogwarts Express, both were radiant. While Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor, [Y/N] got sorted into [Y/H/H]. They had classes together, had lunch together, did basically everything together.

It was no surprise when Harry and Ron both realized that there was more than simple friendship going on. Truth was that Hermione and [Y/N] were a couple, had been since the transition from third to fourh year, during the summer. The confirmation to that was when, despite going with Krum to the Yule Ball, they had seen the two dancing when nobody was looking.

Hermione remembered the day they almost kissed for the first time. They had gone to the library and as they were about to lean in, Krum arrived and sat in front of them, asking Hermione a few questions. Poor [Y/N] felt she was just a third wheel, so she gave Hermione a pained expression and left. She just wanted some time alone with her girlfriend, and with all the Triwizzard Tournament buzz it was nearly impossible.

Finally, both girls arranged a small study date and that's where they were now.

"Blimey," [Y/N] groaned in frustration, "honestly, 'Mione, how can you cram all this information into your head?"
Hermione didn't respond. She hadn't noticed, but she was staring at the [Y/H/H] this entire time. The way she was focused, how her cheeks puffed in annoyance, how -


The bookworm snapped out of her transe and blinked twice, turning her attention back to [Y/N] with a "Yes?"

"Are you alright? I made you a question and you didn't reply," muttered the girl, a hint of worry in her voice. Her face was so close to Hermione's they could feel each other's warm breath against their cold skins. As they were about to lean in, the door burst open.

Lavender Brown walked in, dragging her tired body towards her bed and, with a soft 'flop', she laid in bed murmuring how tired she was.

Hermione's usual white face turned into a bright pink. She tried to conceal this by using her brown locks over her cheeks. "I'm alright, just a little tired. Maybe we should go to bed now?" The bookworm suggested.

[Y/N] looked at her with a sad look and sighed. "Okay." she muttered and packed her things inside her bag. "Well I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Definately," whispered Hermione.

The [Y/H/H] walked to the door, but didn't leave. She glanced rapidly at Hermione over her shoulder and couldn't help but smile. The girl was still hiding her cheeks, for whatever reason, but it was adorable. After a final goodbye, she left.

"I need to make it up to [Y/N]. We've been trying to kiss but something always happens..." whispered Hermione, looking at the door that had just closed. "I've got it!"

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep," Lavender grunted.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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