Wait, Jacqueline can do that?

She is the Goddess of Life, Skye. She can do that.

Bri's answer calmed my mind. No wonder Jasper didn't heal them. He didn't have to. Jacqui's got it all covered. My mind drifted. She was so beautiful in her realm. Her aura was so bright and her curiosity was so innocent. She cared so much for her people. All of the living and all of the dead. How did she do it all? How did her powers work? 

My thoughts were interrupted when our thieving dwarf came into view. I clutched my sword tighter. 

"It looks different than it did before." He spat into an open urn. 

"What do you want?" If it came to a fight, I'd be ready. 

"Last time I saw you, you were usin' your rank to look down on me. How does it feel to be a traitor huh?"

"I'm not a traitor." 

"Then why'd the King lock you up, eh?" 

"The King thinks what he will." I felt it was a safe answer. Honestly, I thought it might be just to punish me. I turned the direction towards him. "And how does it feel to steal, merchant?"

"Just like sellin' my wares." He didn't grin. "Only easiear." 

"How did you end up like this?" I asked curiously. 

"How do you think?" The dwarf spit again. "All my wares came from the mountain. The mountain collapsed on top of its people. No more wares." 

Guilt coursed through me. I shouldn't have asked. I wasn't going to apologize though. I just needed to continue on my journey. Perhaps, when it was all over, Jacqueline could give the dwarves new life. 

"What about you? What made you run from your company?" The dwarf smiled showing crooked teeth. "Fraid of a little banshee?" He laughed loudly. 

"I left to train." I gripped my sword hilt. As good as that did me. 

"Oh and are you proficient now?" The dwarf's sarcasm wasn't lost on me, but I answered anyway. 

"Not in the slightest." 

My answer surprised the dwarf but not into silence. "Oh, been humbled have we, Skye Firebird?" I supposed dying would humble anyone. That reminded me. 

"What's your name, dwarf? I don't know it." 

"Hetdreat Oreview." He spit into the urn again. "Not that it matters much anymore." 

Poor lad. Bri lamented. He's lost his family and his friends and his home.

So has everyone else, Bri. 

Then you understand his mindset.

Yeah, and I wouldn't want to be reminded of my family's death. I'd only want to press onward. As he seems to want. 


Let him be, Bri.

The dwarf and I didn't speak the rest of the night. 

When I woke up in the morning, Jasper was surrounded by the team of elves and dwarves. He was jovially recounting our escape from the dungeon. Hetdreat noticed me first. He came over as I began folding the blankets he had loaned us the night before. 

"According to your friend, you have some wit, boy." His tone was a little to cheery. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I didn't respond to him. He wasn't dissuaded from whatever it was he wanted. He clapped his hands together. "We could use a witty suspect and a charming fool in our party." 

"You mean to use as bait." I stood up to my full height. 

"There you go again, about to look down on me." Hetdreat glared. "You don't know the half of what you could gain." 

"Oh and what could I gain by helping a thieves' guild, hm? Besides a knife in the back." I iterated. Hetdreat's face turned red with rage. Jasper's hand found it's way around the surly dwarf. 

"Now, now dear Hetdreat. Allow me to express your thoughts to this wayward youth." Wayward youth? Me? Jasper pushed the dwarf towards his guild and then wrapped an arm around me, giving us the illusion of privacy. "Look, Skye. We're running out of options here. We're wanted men. They're wanted..." He paused, "people. The only difference between us and them is that they have a safe haven." Jasper pointed to the coifers of gold. "And money." He pointed to a table that had the remnants of last nights' supper. "And food!" He turned back to me. "All things we need to survive." 

"Jasper, we need to get going. They live like this because their homes have been destroyed. It's up to us to avenge them and bring back a safe Comwen. We can't stay and work for thieves! We have a higher calling." 

"You sound just like your mother." Jasper muttered but I thought pride radiated through his eyes. "But there's one little problem there, buddy." 


"Nik was the only one who knew where you are supposed to go next." 

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