Hell's Diner

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"Opie's been out for a few weeks, Charlie. He misses you."

The gruff voice of my father spoke into the phone. I exhaled the smoke from my cigarette and scratched my eyebrow. We'd had this same conversation every time I'd been on the phone.

"Daddy, I already told you I would be there if I could. I haven't been able to get off work."

"You haven't had a day off in a month?"

"That's not what I meant. I haven't been able to get more than a day at a time because Todd is being a such a dick."

"So just come down for a couple of hours."

"I don't want to go to Charming for only a couple of hours. I want to spend time with Opie, Daddy. Trust me, I've missed my brother probably more than anyone has. Well, except for Donna and the kids."

"Kids miss you too. Everyone misses you, baby girl. Especially your old man." His tone was soft and I couldn't help but smile. I'd always been Daddy's Baby Girl.

"I miss you too, Daddy."

"Charlotte, you hate that job anyway. You should quit and come home." There was a silence between us. I had to admit, he gave a decent argument. I hated being a waitress and Helena's Diner with Todd being such an ass...and I missed my family. Not just my immediate family, either. I also had to admit that the thought of seeing a certain person had my heart racing. I missed him more than I wanted to admit...more than anyone else if I was being honest.

"Where would I live, Daddy? Your house has one bedroom and you're mostly at the Club House or you're at the cabin. Me going to the cabin sort of defeats the purpose of moving home. Opie doesn't have any room."

"I can talk to Gemma and Clay and see if they wouldn't mind a house guest until you get a place."

"Well, that may take care of a place to stay but, I'll need a place to work, Dad."

"You'll find that too. Until then, I'll take care of what you need."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"You're not asking me. I'm offering. You're my kid," he said. The affection in his tone warmed my heart but before I responded, a loud banging door behind me almost made me drop the phone.

"Breaks over, Charlie! Get your ass back in here. Table nine needs you!" Todd hollered. I glanced at my watch.

"It hasn't even been five minutes, Todd!"

"Now, Charlie!" I groaned, smashing my cigarette butt on the ground.

"I have to go Daddy. Sir Tight Ass demands my return."

"Think about what I said, Baby Girl. I'll talk to Gemma."

"I'll think about it. Good night, Pop."


I flipped my phone closed and went inside. I met the eyes of Jen, another waitress on duty, and she shook her head with a laugh.

"He's in rare form tonight, Doll. Started ranting the second you walked outside."

"He's always ranting when I go on break."

"Because he likes to stare at your pretty black hair and deep green eyes," Dean, the cook, said from behind the grill. I laughed.

"Not to mention ogling your tits and ass. And he can't do that if you aren't in the building," Jen said. I shoved her gently.

"Shut the fuck up, Jen."

"How long you gonna keep holding out on him? He just wants to looove you," she said with a giggle. I shook my head and shuddered when I thought of Todd and his greasy skin. I could almost feel those beady eyes staring at me.

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