Chapter 1 - Encounter

Start from the beginning

Chaeyeon: I'm not gonna do that...

She said, as she walked towards me, while examining my face.

Chaeyeon: It's really you....


Chaeyeon:Nothing. Anyway, i'm not gonna bully you.

Y/N:What's this about then?

I asked her. She didn't answer straight away, rather, she walked over the fence, and looked down to the school's field.

Chaeyeon:Tell me, Y/N.

She asked me, still looking down the fence.


Chaeyeon:Have you ever thought of... suicide?

I did not expect that kind of question. It came out of nowhere.

Y/N:I had, or at least, still has, sometimes.

Chaeyeon: What do you think of me commiting suicide, Right now?

She asked, as she tries to hop over the fence. I quickly ran to her, stopping her. I raised my voice.

Y/N: Wait, what?! Are you crazy?! Don't do that!!

Chaeyeon:Let me return that question, are YOU crazy?!

Y/N: At least you still have somebody who cares about you! Me?! Hell, i don't even have any parents!! I don't have parents, nor cousins. No one!! Not even a single friend. So who's gonna care if i killed myself?!

Chaeyeon: I WOULD!!

She screamed suddenly, making me took a step back.

Y/N:Why would you care?! I don't get this. I'm leaving.

I said , as i quickly walk back to the stairs, leaving her.

Chaeyeon's POV

I watched him as he goes down the stairs. I quickly called Minju out.

Chaeyeon:Minju-ya. I know you're there.

She came out. She was hiding behind the wall.

Minju:Unnie, are you sure that was him? He didn't seem as friendly as you said to be.

Chaeyeon:He used too.... *sigh* and i was happy to see him again...

Minju: I guess it has something to do with the rumors, unnie. What's the relationship between you two, anyway?

Chaeyeon: We used to be friends. But something really, really bad happened. You won't want to know, Minju. So i was thinking, could you help me gather information at his old school?

Minju:Roger that. I'll ask Wonyoung to help me.

Chaeyeon:That would be great. Now go, i want to be left alone first.

A few moments after she left, i sat at the stairs.

*drip* *drip*

The sound of my tears dropping down echoed the place.

What happened to you.? I know you wouldn't remember me, but.. how did you become like this?

I cried at the stairs, alone.

After i calmed down, i gathered my own thoughts, and decided.

That's it. I'll make you remember me, and i'll make you mine, Y/N. Brace yourself.


Daehwi: Why the long face, Y/N?

He approached me, with a smile on his face. The entire class looked at us weird. Why would someone as popular as him come talk to me? They might be thinking.

Y/N:I just... *sigh* i was called to the rooftop yesterday by some girl called Chaeyeon, a-

He cut me off.



His face looked like he just won a grand prize. He quickly grabbed a nearby seat, and sat next to me. He whispered to me.

Daehwi:Are you serious?! Dude, she's one of the top 12 visuals in this school!! Even better, she's number 1!!

Y/N: Doesn't matter to me, though. I don't like her.

Daehwi:Are you crazy?! The number 1. Top. Visual. Why did she call you to the rooftop anyway?

Y/N:Nothing important, really.

Daehwi:I'm burning with jealousy, Y/N. Really. I would freak out if she called ME to the rooftop. Anyway, i want to go to the cafeteria. You want to come?

Y/N:Nah, i'm good.

Daehwi:Suit yourself~

He stood up, and walked over to his group of friends.

Top visual.. huh? Eh, still don't like her.


A week has passed after the incident, and i'm living a silent school life. Also, i haven't ran into her since then, which is probably good.
I opened my locker, to find another letter.

Come to the student council's office after school.


Is this from her again?But it can't be. The handwriting's different. But if it's from the student council... couldn't they just call me from the speaker?

I thought nothing of it, and put the letter back to my locker.

After school, i headed straight to the student council's office, and knocked on the door.

?:Come in~

I opened the door, to be greeted by 12 girls inside the room. And i can't believe my eyes, when i saw who was sitting on the student council president's chair.

Chaeyeon:Have a seat, Y/N!




Peace ✌✌✌

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