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- sorry for late update !! My birthday was yesterday, so I wasn't about to spend it writing 😂😂😴. But hope y'all enjoy. This is Jadon when he was really little. By the way ... this book will be ending soon! [ sosabvby ]

Asia's POV
I was just getting ready when VJ texted me to come to the hospital. He didn't tell me why I needed to be there, he just told me to come as fast as I could. I tried to get there in time, but I was still weak from loosing my child. When I was down getting ready, I headed to the hospital. VJ texted me at about 9, maybe 9:30 and I arrived at the hospital around 10.
When I got there, I saw him walking back and forth with small tears on his face. I gave him a big hug and small kiss on the cheek and sat him down. I was scared, but not too scared. Whatever happened, could've been solved.
"You okay babes? What's going on?" I asked, resting my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and started sniffling his nose. I came closer and grabbed his hand. He started shaking his feet and more tears started to form. I hated seeing my baby like this. I grabbed his face and looked at him in the eye. "V, what's going on? Why'd you call me here?" He rested his hands on my thigh and gave me a long kiss. I pulled out immediately at the right time and asked him what was up again.
"Jadon..." he started. I could see more tears roll down his face.
"JADON?!" I shouted. He started rubbing my thigh signaling me to calm down, but there was no calming down in this situation.
"He got shot..." VJ's voice started fading and all I could do was loose my breath. I felt some heaviness drop in my heart and I was trying my best not to pass out.
"By who? When! Weren't you taking him to school?" I bombarded him with questions trying to hold back tears. It was hard for me though. Just days ago, I had lost my unborn child. Now I was probably gonna loose my three old son. Why was this happening to me? I've never harm or hurt anyone. I didn't deserve this.
I started to cry and tucked my face into VJ's chest.
"It's gonna be okay," he whispered in my ear, "we just gotta stick together." He kissed my forehead and we kept silent the whole time. I don't think we did it on purpose though. I think we just wanted sometime to think. It's hard you know. Loosing someone you care about, talk less of losing your own child. We just wanted to have some quiet time with our minds because we were both hurt.


"Mr Johnson?" A short darkskin doctor said. VJ got up and rose his hand. I got up with him. "Come into my office please." We followed the women into a small office. She pulled out some papers and sat us down. I was really scared to be honest, and I was hoping that Jay would be okay. She started coughing and scribbling some notes on her papers. She did that for about five minutes and then made some calls. After that, she held her fingers and turned to me and VJ.
"If you're gonna tell me he's dead, then just don't say anything," said VJ. You could hear the hurt in his voice. He wasn't crying anymore, but you could still hear it.
"Oh no Mr. Johnson, you're son is not dead. He is in some intensive care, but he's not dead." Me and VJ took a breath of relief.
"Please tell me he's going to be okay! He's my only child!" I pleaded. She smiled at me, but then sighed.
"Jadon is still young, so you know...his body is still learning how to function. Plus, he was born premature which also puts him at a bigger risk," she explained, "He's in a coma and we have tried waking him up, but it hasn't been working."
"So what you're saying is that he's never going to wake up?" VJ asked. The doctor started to shrug her shoulders.
"Cases like this are different for everyone Mr. Johnson. Some people wake up after some hours, days, and some take even five years. Your son doesn't look like he'll be waking up anytime soon."
I turned to VJ and spotted a tear. I grabbed his hand tight and looked at him. He wasn't looking at me back though. He was staring out the window. I could sense his hurt. He was lost of words and emotions. Who wouldn't be though? I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.
"I'm sorry," the doctor said. She got up and left us alone. VJ started crying some more.
"I've never loved someone as much as I loved Jadon," he whispered sobbing.
"It's going to be okay V. We just have to be strong for him. Just remember that we have to stick together." We got up and he kissed my lips.


6 months later - VJ's POV

It's been six months since my son has been in a coma - or as I like to say, six thousand months without my baby. Jadon was really everything to me. He made me laugh and grow into a mature young man. Without him, I wouldn't be half the person I was today. Even though he wasn't here with me physically, I knew he was emotionally.
Since Jadon's condition started, me and Asia lost our connection. We didn't kiss, hug, or have sex the whole six months. She was hurt, I knew that. So I didn't try anything to provoke her. We never ate dinner together after the incident and always slept in different rooms. I guess you could say without Jadon, there was no us.
Everyday after work, I would visit Jadon at the hospital and just sit there beside him. He looked terrible with the hospital rob and wires in him, but his face was still mine. Vibrate, but handsome. I would hold his hand for some minutes and just stare at him. It tore me to pieces seeing my little son like this. Andrew did receive a death sentence, but that changed nothing. My son was still in hospital bed fighting for his life.
I looked at Jadon and sat there. He was motionless. I guess that's what struck me the most. He didn't move. He didn't smile. He didn't shake. He just layed there. His eyes close, his mouth still, and his arms stiff. The nurses always told me he was improving day by day, but I knew they were just saying that. When someone is improving, they are moving. My son wasn't moving - which meant he wasn't improving.
I held Jadon's hand tighter. "It's gonna be okay Jay. Just keep fighting. Not for yourself anymore, but for me and mommy and Aunty Jada and Tatyana and Austin. We all miss you. We want you home. Keep fighting. You're going to be fine. As soon as you wake up, we're gonna go to the Celtics game okay? You just have to keep fighting baby. Daddy misses you badly. I love you and see you tomorrow," I said. I tried holding back my tears and kissed his forehead.
"He's going to be fine, I promise." The nurse said walking in. I smiled at her.
"I know. My little boy never looses a fight. He's just like his father," I replied walking out.

Two weeks after, Jadon died. I kinda saw it coming though because the two days before I went to visit him - his heart stopped. The doctors told me everything would be fine and it seemed like it was, but two days later he left.
Sad wasn't the word to describe my pain. Depressed was. I couldn't eat, sleep, or even work when I heard the news. Jadon was pretty much my entire life. I had everything planned out for us too. I knew who he was gonna marry, when he was gonna get his ears pierced, his first car and everything. He had his life planned out already, but now it was like ... everything poofed away.
The next couple of days were hard for me and Asia. I mean not harder then how it was before, but hard. She cried every night and asked God "why her?" I knew where she was coming from. Those nights, I'd kiss her lips slowly and ask her to calm down.
"He's gone now," I would quietly say wrapping my arms around her waist, "he's with God. That's why God took him. Because he needed Jay to be up there with the beautiful Angels. Just know he's okay. Alright babes? Our little boy is now an angel. I know you miss him, but there's nothing we can do. He's watching over us now. We've spent our days together, watching over him and now it's his turn. He's in a better babes, I promise. " She would lay on my chest and cry some more, but thank me for everything.
"I don't know how you're doing it V," she said, "how you're keeping your pain lowkey. I want to be like you. Not cry or be angry at God. I wanna do that, but I can't. I lost the only child I ever had. I sacrificed blood and tears for Jay, and now he's like...gone. I think that's what hurts me the most V. That I'll never see him again. I'll never get to hug him, kiss him or see him run after his magnet earring again. I'll never get to hear his annoying little voice anymore. That's what kills my spirit. That my baby is gone, and I don't think I'll ever get over that." She cried some more. I wanted to tell her to not worry, that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn't. Asia was right. That's what hurted the most. That our son was gone and we would never see him again. RIP Jadon, daddy and mommy loves you ❤️.

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