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Sorry for the long update. I had writer's block. -sosabvby
I was at my girlfriend's/sidehoe house when Asia called me. At first I didn't want to answer, because my girl would've probably started some shit and got mad at me. The phone kept ringing and I got irritated, so I went to the bathroom and answered.
"I'm kind of busy Asia, what's up?" I said. I could hear her crying loudly and out of breath. "You ok?" I asked.
"Andrew," she said crying more, "he hit me."
"Oh shit, is everything alright!" I asked walking out the bathroom.
"No VJ, can you please just come over? Please? Like right now!?"
"I'm on my way, don't move. Is Jadon safe?" She replied yes and I grabbed my car keys. I put on my pants and hoodie and gave Jada (my sidehoe) a kiss on the cheek.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Family emergency," I said. She gave me a wary look and grabbed my hand.
"Are you cheating on me V?" I tugged off my hand and drove to Asia's house. It took me about thirty minutes to get there because Jada lived far and when I did, I saw Asia and Jadon snuggled up in bed. I took off my shirt and hopped into the bed with them. Asia was on the left, Jadon in the middle, and me on the right.
"You're so late," she whispered.
"Traffic. I tried getting here on time." She rolled her eyes and started rubbing Jadon's back.
"Is he asleep?" She asked quietly. He was facing me, and when I looked at him his eyes were close. I nodded yes and she took a sigh of relief. She got out of the bed and went into the kitchen. She was wearing short shorts and a long white shirt that said WAR in big red letters. Her hair was in a messy bun, but she looked flawless. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started kissing on her neck. "Stop," she said pulling away.
"You still love him don't you?" She did a crooked smile and showed me her fingers. She still had that dumb ring on her hand. "But he disrespected you! He don't deserve you." I yelled. She rolled her eyes and sat down eating a cheese sandwich.
"Thanks for coming V. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me these past few weeks, but I think you should go." I looked at her. Was she serious? One minute Asia wanted me and the other minute she wanted Andrew. What did she think this was? She tried to give me a hug, but I moved away. I was angry. "V..." She said holding my hands.
"I'm done trying." I grabbed my keys and tried to walk out the door, but she stopped me.
"I love you." She silently whispered. I rolled my eyes and finally left. I loved Asia too, but I couldn't continue with her game anymore. She didn't love me, she just loved my presence. I felt like the only thing that brought us close was Jadon and if he wasn't there, then there wasn't an us. I knew exactly what I was going to do to get Andrew out of this picture, but I had to slowly work my way up the ladder.

Asia's POV

When VJ came over, I stepped out of my character and told him I loved him. I didn't mean it though, I just didn't want to hurt him. I'm a good person, and good people don't hurt others. As soon as he left, Jadon woke up.
"Mommy is my birthday over?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
"Nope, just two more hours and then you're birthday is done." I said sighing.
"I wanna go see daddy." I looked at him and gave him a face. I didn't know what to do, so I promised him that tomorrow we would go see VJ. After watching some television we went to bed. The only thing missing was Andrew. I know I said I was done with Andrew, but I don't think I meant it. Andrew was my life. Couples fight, and all men step out of character so that didn't mean he lost my love.
It was Saturday morning and I decided to take Jadon to go see VJ. I was wearing high waisted black leggings with a dark blue stripped crop top. I had my AandA necklace on with a gold MK watch. Jadon was dressed in blue jeans and a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt-nothing special.
When we got to VJ's house we rung the doorbell and he took some time answer. "Wassup J!" He shouted picking Jadon up. He kissed his forehead and Jadon ran inside. He was about to close the door when I pushed him playfully.
"Not gonna say hi to your baby mama?" He rolled his eyes and waved at me. "Boy, you better stop before you get these hands." He fake chuckled.
"I wouldn't want the hands. Especially with that two dollar ring on your finger. Deuces Asia. Let's not start something you can't finish." I looked at him as he shot the door close and put up two fingers. VJ was really done with me. I was hurt, but at the same time I wasn't. VJ was nothing but the father of my child. He had no place in my heart and I didn't think that was going to change at all. I stood at the door for five more minutes hesitating to knock. I was a bad bitch, so I decided to go back in the car and ride over to my friend Jada's house. Jada was a girl I met my senior year of high school and ever since then we been close. She wasn't my bestfriend, but she was someone I knew that had my back.
"Hey Andrew!" she said hugging me tight as she opened the door.
"You already know," I laughed flipping my hair. Like I said before, I don't tell none of my friends about my relationships no more. She invited me inside and we just talked about the latest gossip. After talking for thirty minutes, she cooked me some rice and beans and we drank champagne.
"So how's your son?" She asked taking a sip from her cup.
"Good! His third birthday was yesterday."
"Yall turned up or na?" She took another sip from her cup and I nodded my head. Jada used to drink a lot when she was a senior so I gave her a look signaling her to tone it down. I wasn't about to have my close friend get drunk and loud with me. Especially in her own house-I didn't play that junk.
"When are you gonna get a man Jada!?" I asked smacking her shoulder jokingly. She put the cup down and pulled me closer.
"You know my motto. No man no problem! But who said you can't have a fuck buddy? As long as he hit the drum, he's fine." We laughed and I drank some more champagne. "Your cup is almost done, you want some more Age?"
"I'm fine. I'm about to get going in a few minutes anyway," I answered, "so how's the sex?"
"Girllll," she shouted, "it's on point! This one is a keeper." I looked at her shock. Jada was a stripper for a living so when I tell you I was shocked, I was shocked! She never fucked the same guy twice because she said they caught feelings. So when I heard her say this nonsense I tilted my neck a little.
"We'll make sure he strap it up baby girl. Having a baby ain't fun." We giggled a little more and I went to go pick up Jadon. It took a while, because Jada lived all the way across the state. When I got to VJ's place I rang the doorbell seven times just to be extra, and VJ came out thirty seconds later.
"Jadon?" I asked.
"He's coming, he's wearing his jacket. You been drinking?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Champagne, nothing serious."
"Yeah, I can smell it in your breath. You safe to drive or-?"
"I'm fine." I grabbed Jadon and kissed his forehead.
"Don't forget," VJ said buckling up Jadon's jacket.
"I won't, I promise daddy." I smiled and went into the car. The ride was pretty silent until we got a little close to home.
"What was you and daddy talking about?" I asked.
"Daddy said not to tell nobody." I rolled my eyes and kept driving. I knew I would find out sooner or later, so I didn't even stress.
We finally got home and when I opened the door, I saw Andrew sitting on the dinner table with flowers and candles surrounding him. "Why is he here? I dot you kicked him out mommy!" Jadon yelled. I pushed him away and went to Andrew.
"What's this?"
"I'm sorry Asia. I swear I won't-" I stopped him.
"You're forgiven." I kissed his lips and he hugged me tight. "I'm sorry too."
"You didn't do anything wrong. I should've listened to you." We sat down and ate the macaroni and cheese Andrew had cooked. After the dinner, we continued to dessert. He had baked chocolate chip cookies (Jadon's favorite) and chocolate covered caked (my favorite). I promise everything was great. I took the flowers out the plastic bag when we were done eating and placed them in water. Then, I started to clean the table, but Andrew came sneaking up behind me.
"What are you doing?" He asked surprised.
"Cleaning the table. It's not going to clean itself choco." I rolled my eyes.
"I got it Asia, don't lift a finger." He kissed my cheek and stared me into my eyes. "I love you." He said. I smiled and whispered it back. Let's just say, we got nasty that night.

Monday 2:15PM
I was in class when my phone couldn't stop ringing. It was Jadon's school, but I decided not to answer. They had his father's number so they knew they could call him too. Plus, I was writing my exam, but every five minutes my phone just wouldn't stop. I checked it and it was VJ calling. I rolled my eyes and kept writing. Two minutes passed and he texted.
They found cocaine in Jadon's pocket and they think Andrew put it in there. Get down here quick!
What the. I just stared at my phone. I handed in my exam incompleted and raced down to Jadon's school. I saw Jadon, his principle, VJ, and two white cops.
"Are you his mother?" asked his principle. I nodded and she escorted me into her office.
"What's going on?!" I asked frantically.
"Your son's teacher was helping him buckle up his coat when she saw a clear plastic bag sticking out of the pocket. She took it out and saw white substances. Your son later then told her 'my daddy gave me this and he told me to smell it.'"
"My son said that!" I yelled in shock. "Are you sure his biological father wasn't the one that put the cocaine in his pocket?"
"Yes ma'm. We called both of them down-your son's real father and step father-and your son pointed to Andrew Perkins." I stood there and looked at her. Andrew didn't sniff coke. He didn't even no where to get it from!
"Okay where's my son?" I questioned. She took me to Jadon and I held his small body in my arms. "Are you okay baby?"
"Yes mommy. Is fake daddy going to jail?"
"I don't know Jadon. He might. Are you sure he told you to sniff the white stuff?" Jadon nodded.
"He told me this morning when he brought me to school. He said don't tell anyone, but my teacher took it out of my pocket." I started to cry. This story didn't make sense. I knew Andrew didn't do this! He wasn't the type of person. I kept trying to hide my tears, but it was hard. VJ came running towards me and I could tell he was angry.
"Yo, get your husband before I hit him with a glock! Who the fuck does he think he-"
"It wasn't him. Someone set him up, I'm telling you!" I shouted.
"Mommy you think I'm lying?" Jadon asked tapping my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. Why would Jadon lie about this though? He was only three. He didn't even know how to use coke!
"No Jadon, I believe you." I said kissing his forehead. "Let's go home." We went into the car. It feels like everytime my life is going up, some bad force wants to revert it and make it go bad. Why can't I just be happy for once? Now I had to worry about my boyfriend, soon to be fiancé, getting locked up for maybe nine years. Fuck my life. Fuck it.

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