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short update, hope y'all like it -sosabvby.

I dropped Jadon off at VJ's place before I went to the police station. It had been three days since I heard the news about Andrew so I went to go visit him. I walked into the station and signed my name on the time sheet.
"Who are you here to see miss?" asked a young man.
"Andrew Perkins," I replied. I waited there about five minutes as he typed into the computer. He directed me into a long hallway with mirrors and phones. I sat down at the third one, and saw my baby in a dirty orange jump suite. I could tell he was having a rough time.
"Asia I swear to God I didn't put that cocaine in Jugar's pocket," he said crying. I looked at him. His hair was messed up, his face was dry, his eyes baggy, and his lips chapped. I felt so bad for him.
"How much is bail?" I asked.
"They said five thousand, but there's no point Asia. Three weeks will be my trial and I know I'm going to jail."
"The sad part is you didn't even do anything Andrew!" I shouted. I was so mad.
"Asia calm down, there's nothing we can do about it." He placed his hand on the mirror and I did the same thing.
"I'm going to get you out of here baby, I promise. If it means stealing, it means I'm stealing! I will not let you rot in here for something you didn't do." He began to cry again, whipping his face and blew me a kiss.
"Times up," said the security guard. I looked at him and then back at Andrew. I wish I could just kiss his lips and grab on his body.
"I wrote this for you," he said handing me a yellow piece of paper, "I didn't think you would come to see me."
"I love you Choco," I whispered.
"I love you to babes. I'm sorry in advance." I gave him a weird look. I took it and walked out of the hall with the security guard. When I got into the car, I took out the paper and read it:
To my one and only Asia Naomi Perkins,
By now you have probably heard about what's going on. They found cocaine in Jadon's coat pocket and he said that I was the one that put it in there. Asia I swear on everything I love and adore, I did not put the cocaine in Jadon's pocket. Neither did I tell him to sniff it. You know that my heart longs for Jadon. You know I care about him so much and that I wouldn't do anything to hurt him. My mind tells me that you will not come back, because this story is hard to believe. I understand. If I was in your position, I wouldn't believe myself either. If you do not come back, just know I love you Asia. We've been through so much since we were teenagers, but I wouldn't choose to spend our crazy roller coaster would any other female. I know I will be in jail for about five to six years and I wish I can tell you to wait for me, but six years is long. If we never get to love each other again, I want you to know something I've never told anyone. I've been sniffing cocaine since I started high school. I did have cocaine in my closet that day. I never told anyone, because I have trust issues, but I have to tell you. That morning before I took Jadon to school, I sniffed the coke. He probably saw me sniffing it and got the idea. I'm sorry Asia. I could've swore I locked up the closet. If I could go back in the past and change the day I started smoking coke, I would because it caused me to loose the two loves of my life. Have a nice life and take care of Jadon for me. I love you both and you both will always be in my heart. I guess this is the end of our forever.
Yours truly, Andrew.

I crumbled up the letter and shoved it in my bottom seat. Was he serious? This whole time we'd been together he didn't even tell me he sniffed cocaine. He was putting Jadon in risk our entire relationship. I took off my promise ring and placed in the tea tray. This was the last straw. He was messing with Jadon's health. What if Jadon actually sniffed the coke? I drove to VJ's place as fast as I could and knocked on the door. I tried to give him a hug, but he rolled his eyes at me and went inside. When I came in, I saw Jadon jumping around, screaming and yelling with two french fries in his hands.
"Hey baby," I said kissing his cheek.
"Celtics are winning mommy! They're winning!" He shouted. I smiled and sat on the couch with VJ. He didn't look at me at all, but I knew he was thinking about me. We sat in silence. I wanted to say something, but I kept my eyes on the television.
"I'm not going to be able to take care of Jay tomorrow. I have work," VJ said breaking the silence.
"For the whole day?"
"Twenty-four hour shift," he responded. I huffed and buffed. I wasn't ending school until 8:00PM tomorrow and I had no one else to stay with Jadon.
"I guess you're going to have to stay with Aunty Tee tomorrow," I teased Jadon.
"Tatyana?!" He asked annoyed. "I wanna stay with daddy!"
"Daddy's working tomorrow Jay," VJ said softly. He crossed his arms around his chest and stomped his feet. I laughed and looked at VJ.
"I don't think it's funny," he playfully shouted.
"Don't get loud with daddy," I said smiling at V. Jadon gave me an icky look.
"I have three daddies? Omg!" He yelled. We all giggled and I sat closer to VJ.
"Move before you catch these hands," he whispered. He was smiling at me. I couldn't help, but stare at him. His teeth were so white and his lips were gorgeous. I started to lean into a kiss, but Jadon came and pushed me.
"No kissing before fake daddy hits you again!" I rolled my eyes and hear VJ laughing.
"I don't think that's funny," I sassed mocking him.
"He's right though," VJ said smiling. I got up and put on my jacket. "Where you going?"
"Home," I answered. He got and grabbed my waist. He started kissing on my neck. I wanted to pull away, but I swear I loved it. I had to get over Andrew. He was going to jail for a long time and I couldn't wait for him to come back. Jadon was going to be nine in six years! I wasn't planning on raising Jadon alone, so I let VJ nibble on my neck.
"You love it don't you?" He whispered quietly. I turned around and kissed his lips. "Nah, I want a cute kiss." I laughed and kissed him again, this time with tongue.
"I'm gonna tell fake daddy again!" Jadon screamed. I rolled my eyes at Jadon and pushed VJ away.
"Control your son if you want some goody tonight."
"He's your son too," VJ laughed.
"Like I said-control him."
"Jay, me and mommy are together now. Fake daddy is in jail because of what he did and he isn't coming back anytime soon."
"What is jail daddy?"
"It's a place where bad people go. It's not fun at all," VJ explained.
"What did he do?"
"You forget? He put that white stuff in your pocket."
"He's coming back though right?" asked Jadon.
"No Jay, he's going to stay there forever."
"But that's not fair he didn't do anything!" Jadon yelled. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.
"We'll talk about this later." VJ said getting angry.
"NO! Fake daddy didn't do anything!"
"Jadon, he put that stuff in your pocket." I said trying to calm him down.
"No mommy. I lied. Fake daddy didn't put it in my pocket. Real daddy gave it to me. He told me to say that stuff."
"Shut the fuck up Jay!" VJ shouted.
"Are you serious?" I looked at VJ. He sighed.
"It was to get Andrew out the picture Asia!"
"You said for a while! Not for a long time," Jadon shrieked.
"Put on your coat Jadon, we're leaving." He grabbed his jacket and we left. VJ tried chasing us, but I ignored him. How could he do this? I know his intentions weren't good from the start. All he loved to do was hurt me!
"Mommy?" Jadon called out softly.
"Yes baby?"
"Does real daddy hate me?" I turned around and looked at him.
"No, why?"
"Because he said if I ever told anyone about our plan he would never talk to me. I think he hates me mommy." I didn't respond to him. The last thing I wanted was Jadon and VJ getting any closer.
"Yes Jadon, he hates you. He hates you a lot."

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