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The guy in the picture is VJ.
Saturday Morning.
I turned over and looked at my phone. I had three missed calls from an unknown number and two text messages from my bestfriend. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. It was still early in the morning so I decided to not get to cute.
"Babes," I heard Andrew call out. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at him. He was trying to stay awake, but I could tell he was drained out.
"Yes sugar?"
"Why you up so early? It's only five o'clock." I laughed and went into bed.
"Just thinking about Jadon. That's all."
"He's in safe hands. Trust me. Now go back to sleep." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek. I layed down and tried to get some rest, but that didn't work at all.
When it was exactly seven o'clock, I took my shower and got dress. I was wearing American flag leggings with an American Eagle crop top. My hair was in a high ponytail with an American flag head band. When I was done with my make-up, I put on Andrew's promise ring.
"Why you looking so cute?" Andrew said. He got off the bed and kissed my cheek.
"Going to go run some errands with Tati." I replied.
"Today was supposed to be our day Asia!"
"I'm sorry choco, you didn't tell me. We still have tomorrow," I said holding his hands tight.
"My mom's bringing Jadon back tomorrow." He walked away and sat on the bed. I could tell he was angry.
"Alright, I won't spend to much time. Ten minutes and I will be right back." He nodded and gave me a long kiss.
"Where's the ring?" He asked, examining my finger. I lifted up my hands.
"You know I will never walk out the house without this diamond!" He blew me an air kiss and I drove off.
I wasn't going to see Tatyana. I was going to have a talk with VJ. I didn't want him blowing up my phone anymore, especially since Andrew almost caught me. When I got to the park that we were meeting up at, I spotted VJ. He had a black sweater on with ripped jeans and a SnapBack. When he saw me, he tried to give me a hug but I faded him.
"My man says I can't touch you," I said rolling my eyes.
"You married Asia?!" He asked in shock. I caught him starring at the promise ring.
"Let's just get to the point."
"Jadon. I want to be in his life. I couldn't handle being a teen dad, but now I'm 21 and I think I'll do a great job."
"Greater job than Andrew?" I mumbled. He stared at me.
"You still with that faggot?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.
"He's not a faggot. He's a man! And if it wasn't for him, Jadon wouldn't be half the little boy he is today. So if you're going to sit here and insult my boyfriend, than you don't deserve a chance."
"My bad," he said softly. "I just want my son." I looked at him and could sense the sincerity in his eyes. I didn't know if I should let VJ spend time with Jay. What if something happened? I was just so afraid.
"So you just woke up one morning and decided that you wanted to be in his life?"
"Yeah. I wanted to wait until I could handle it."
"I'll think about it," I said getting up.
"Thanks Asia," he said smiling at me. I looked at him and smiled back. He looked exactly like Jadon. They were like twins! Curly hair, nice eyes, nice lips. I couldn't believe it. After day dreaming, I went back into the car and drove home. I knew I had to tell Andrew about VJ, but I didn't know how to start the conversation. This was going to be tough.
As soon as I walked in, Andrew was sitting on the couch watching tv.
"You ready?" I asked. He got up and gave me a tight hug.
"You said ten minutes, you're three minutes late." I laughed and kissed his cheek. He put on his My Girlfriend hoodie and grabbed some chips. I would've wore mine, but I lost it. As soon as we got into the car, I held his other hand and took a deep breath.
"Andrew," I said quietly.
"Choco-" he corrected. I smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Choco," I finally said.
"Yes babes, what's up?"
"VJ has been calling me." He looked at me and parked the car.
"What the fuck? Why?!" I held his hand tighter signaling him to calm down.
"He wants to be in Jay's life now."
"After missing almost three years?! That's some fuckboy shit." I could sense him starting to get angry.
"I know, but I don't know what to do," I calmly said.
"It's your choice. He ain't my real son so." I looked at him. Why would he say that?
"Andrew!" I screamed.
"It's true. How i'ma sound if I say that his real father can't be in his life? I'm his stepdad." I didn't say anything back. I wanted Andrew to be on my side and disapprove the fact that VJ wanted to come into my son's life. Not even my son, OUR son. Why was he being such a bitch?
After we were done spending alone time together we went to go pick Jadon. I didn't feel like talking to him because I was still upset at what he said. He turned up the music and took the wrong turn towards his mom's house.
"Andrew, what are you doing?" I asked with an attitude.
"Ma said she want three more days with Jadon." I sighed a little and rolled down my window. I missed Jadon lot, and now I had to spend three more days being angry at Andrew. I took out my phone and started to call his mom. I needed to hear my baby's voice. "What you doing?" Andrew asked.
"Calling your mom, I wanna talk to Jadon."
"Stop, she's gonna think we're worried." I hung up and made an angry face. "Asia?" Andrew whispered.
"You know I love you right?" I nodded my head sarcastically and turned facing the window. "Babes, don't act like that." He tried grabbing my hand, but I pulled away.
"Andrew please stop. I'm not in the mood for your lovey dovey shit." He shrugged his shoulders and we went back home. I took off my clothes and washed my face. When I was done eating, I went into bed and tried to fall asleep. With no surprise, Andrew's annoying self followed and hopped into bed.
"Glad you didn't take off your promise ring," he whispered in my ear. I was facing the opposite way. He got closer to me and I could feel his dick on my butt. I started to chuckle. "You feel it?" He asked.
"Andrew stop," I said trying not to laugh. He knew I loved when we did this.
"Tell me you love me." I nodded no. "Then I guess you gonna be feeling up on A-daddy tonight." I turned around and smiled at him.
"You're so annoying," I whispered. He tried to kiss me, but I blocked his face.
"Oh c'mon, stop playing hard to get!"
"Who's playing hard to get? You already got me," I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my body.
"That's right." He tried leaning in for the kiss again and I smacked him playfully. I couldn't stop laughing. His facial expression was priceless! "Oh word? Now I wanna fight." He got out of the bed and pulled the covers off of me. I couldn't stop laughing. Even though, I wanted to play fight I was tired as hell and stayed in the bed.
"If you want some kisses, you better rearrange these covers and come back into this bed." He rolled his eyes.
"You better be happy you're the love of my life." I puckered up my lips and he kissed them. We spent the whole night cuddling and talking about what we wanted to do for Jadon's three year old birthday. Once we had an idea, we both fell asleep and waited for dawn to come up.

Three days later

Andrew had left for school and I was waiting for Jadon to come back home. I didn't have school today, so it was a perfect day to spend some time with my baby boy. It was 9:45AM when I heard Jadon's mom knock on the door. I opened the door and gave her a big hug.
"Thank you so much!" I said kissing her cheek and taking Jadon out of her arms.
"Anything for you and Drew sweetheart. I'm gonna miss you Jugar."
"I wove you!" Jadon shouted. She blew him a kiss and I closed the door. Jadon ran into the kitchen and started banging the table yelling for food.
"Look at you being bossy," I said playfully handing him his sippy cup.
"Mommy guess what!" He shouted. He was always loud for no reason.
"What?" I asked placing him on my lap.
"I have two daddies!!!" I stopped and looked at him. Who the fuck told him that?
"No you don't," I faked laughed. I pulled him closer to me and asked who told him that.
"My other daddy! My other daddy said that he's my daddy too! So I have two daddies! I'm so lucky mommy! Do I have two mommies too?" He started jumping around and I just stood still.
"How and when did you see your other daddy," I asked emphasizing the words other daddy.
"Grand-mommy told me not to tell anyone, but daddy-so I can't say nothing. Sorry," he said. I was in so much shock.
"It will be our little secret Jay. Just tell me, I won't say anything."
"Pinky promise?" He asked showing me his small pinky.
"Pinky promise."
"On Sunday she took me to my other daddy house and I saw him. He was like a bigger version of me! He was so pretty mommy, you should've saw him."
"Prettier than you're real daddy?" I questioned joke-fully.
"Way way way prettier than real daddy!" I laughed and moved closer to him.
"So you went to see this guy?"
"Yeah! Grand-mommy said that real daddy wanted me to go see second daddy house, but you couldn't know because you don't like second daddy. Is that true?"
I paused for a second. "So what did you and him do? Did he tell you anything?"
"He said that he was my second daddy and that he wove me. I told him I wove him too. I like him a lot mommy," he said drinking out of his cup.
"That's good, why don't you go take off your jacket?"
"Kk, when can I see second daddy again?" I turned around and stared at him. It seemed like Jadon liked VJ so much better than Andrew. That was my biggest fair. That he would pick the man that didn't care about him over the man that cherished him so much.
"Just go take off your jacket," I whispered.

When Andrew got home is was about 11:30PM and Jadon was sleep. I was sitting in the kitchen waiting for him to come home.
"Hey babes," he said trying to kiss me. I moved away.
"So you thought I wouldn't find out?" I asked.
"What you talking about?"
"You took Jadon to go see VJ without my permission! And you thought I wouldn't find out?"
"Asia chill, I thought it would be best if he met his real dad." He tried to hug me, but I pushed him hard.
"Without letting me know?!" I shouted.
"Why is it such a big deal?"
"Because! VJ doesn't deserve to be in Jadon's life. He wasn't there these past years, so why should he just magically pop into his life because all of sudden he's ready? I don't buy it! Jadon is our son! We should be able-"
"Our son?" Andrew stopped me.
"Yes, I didn't stutter. He's our son. We should be able to decided as-"
"He's not our son Asia..." Andrew came and held my hand. "I know you want me to be his biological father, but that doesn't determine my love for him. I love Jadon and that will never stop. He deserves to know his real father whether he's ready or not. You can't hide it from him Asia." I started to cry. I was afraid. VJ wasn't ready to be in Jadon's life. His intentions were right. I knew he had came back for revenge. He didn't love my son. He loved destroying my happiness. And my happiness was Jadon.

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