forty-five » i n v a i n

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i'm living a life in vain
unable to live in forever pain
purpose of life missing in endless rain

»must«, set in stone, is bound to remain
»can, want, please« for eternity fade

and my blood floods slower in a dying beat
vicelike grasp keeps me in weeping defeat

i can't anymore and every step aches
i don't want to anymore and everything breaks

stop sign in crimson red lights up grey asphalt
and every fear of death i had comes to a halt

pulingly, »must« tears me apart
»can, want, please« freeze in the inferno at heart

sear me in a glacier, icy shaped flares
take my breath away in vastest universe

lingers a silent prayer
in night sky, another windswept layer

whispers a dying courage
in nocturnal abyss, and to death i starve

i'm living a life in vain.

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