"Aaaand, done!" You hear Mrs. Aire say finally.

You open your eyes and look up at her.

She raises her eyebrows, "Ready to see yourself?"

You bite your lip and nod.

She grins and spins you around.

If you thought you looked like a princess in your wedding dress, you look more like a queen now. Your hair is put up, so that the strands that normally hang in your face, twine around your head in a braid, making it look like you have a crown made of hair. The rest of your hair, hangs loose in silky waves.

You think this is probably the most makeup youve ever worn. A little black eyeliner skirts your upper lid. Black mascara is on your eyelashes, but it's so light it looks natural. Lastly, a trace of silver eye-shadow rests above the eyeliner.

You look amazing.

You laugh, finding it hard to keep the tears in your eyes. You leap up and snatch Mrs. Aire, tightly wrapping your arms around her, "It's so perfect! Thank you!"

She laughs, "No problem, Mrs. Walters. Or shall I say Mrs. Sangster?"

You heave out a small laugh, that turns into a sob.

You look back in the mirror, "This stuff is water proof right?"

She chuckles, "Yes, it is. If I know women, I know they NEED water proof EVERYTHING."

You quickly wipe the tears from your eyes, "Oh, my gosh."

Then you sister walks in, you Mom trailing behind her.

"You know, Thomas is waiting for you right outaide the door?" Juliette says.

You blink, trying to hide the fact that you've been crying, "I didn't know that."

"Well, he is." She nods, studying you.

You can tell your Mom has been crying. She's just that easy to read. But you don't know about Juliette. She looks torn. She doesn't know weather she's happy or sad.

"Mom...." You shake your head, laughing a bit.

"Oh, my beautiful daughter!" She crys, running forward and throwing her arms around you.

You squeeze your eyes shut uncomfortably, as she Cry's on your shoulder. Two things your Mom has always been - a toucher. Growing up and would hug you and try to hold your hand and put her arm around you, and she did it so often that you were just generally uncomfortable with most older people touching you. Second- emotional. She would get all leaky over the smallest things. Your first day of THIRD GRADE you thought she was going to blow a gasket or something. The first phone you bought - she would not stop crying and saying how proud she was. Let's just say, you'd had a very awkward time growing up.

You try to gentelly push her off, " 'Kay, Mom. I like this shirt, and you're getting mascara on it."

She pulls away, brushing off your shoulders, "Oh, sorry, dear!"

You look to Juliette now, your eyes widening. She wears the pale pink dress you picked out. And she looks as beautiful as ever. You walk over to her and hug her.

She whispers, "Iris, you're gettng married. What am I going to do?"

You smile and sigh, pulling back, "You'll get married someday too. And I'll ask myself that some question. Until then....just live your life. Don't look for love and don't expect it. I didn't. And believe me - it was better to be surprised."

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now