10. The Wedding

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Before they knew it, the day of the wedding was upon them. The Burns household was bustling as human and bot alike prepared for the event: getting washed and polished, checking that everything was in order.

When Heatwave arrived at the venue, he parked behind and then projected his holoform into the building. The smell of the lilacs decorating the sides of the aisle and stage wafted through the air, and he ducked behind a pillar as some people passed before tiptoeing down the hall towards the Groom's dressing room.

"C-Come in!" A frantic voice hollered from the other side of the door as he knocked.

Heatwave chuckled, and then turned the knob, "You're not thinking of backing out, are you?"

Kade whipped around at the sound of his partner's voice, his eyes falling on the red-haired holoform standing before him. "Heatwave... Wow."

Heatwave sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I know. Total rush job."

"N-No! No, it's not that." Kade stepped up to his friend, "It looks good... You actually look like you're related to me, but not my brother, you know?"

Heatwave punched his partner's shoulder gently, "Of course, why in Cybertron would I wanna look like you?... You good?"

Kade exhaled hard, "...Yeah. Just nervous. I'm still surprised she said 'yes.'"

"Aren't we all?" Heatwave teased, "You're going to be fine. Just pretend nobody else is there and speak from the heart, and leave any objectors to me."

"You think somebody's going to object?"

"Nah, not really. Unless one of Hayley's ex-boyfriends shows up unannounced, we're good."

Kade grinned, punching the cybertronian's shoulder back, "Thanks, partner."

"Anytime, partner..."

He stepped back out of the the room and paused as he saw Professor Baranova and Frankie arguing. "Something wrong, Professor?" He inquired.

"Oh nothing, Heatwave." Professor Baranova assured, dodging Frankie's waving hand. "Frankie just won't hold still."

"My hair is fine the way it is, Anna...!" Frankie complained as her stepmom stuck another bobby pin in her hair, "So one curl peeks out, so what?"

"I'm not letting you be a bridesmaid in a wedding looking like an antennaed space alien... No offense, Heatwave."

"None taken."

He turned as Doc Greene arrived with CeCe holding his hand. "Hello Doc, hi CeCe. You look cute in your flower girl dress."

CeCe grinned, "Mr. Heatwave...?" She giggled, "You were out with the cars!"

"Yup, and I'm also in here. Isn't that cool?"

Doc Greene bent down to CeCe's eye level. "So you remember what to do?"

"Throw flowers and then stand next to Frankie!"

"Very good, CeCe."

Heatwave's optics scanned the foyer, "Looks like everything's going relatively smoothly... Although Hayley's mom looks like she's having a panic attack over there."

Professor Baranova finally stopped fussing over Frankie's hair, and then stepped back. "Ah... That's better."

Frankie crossed her arms, "Yeah yeah..." But a smile appeared on her lips and she gave her stepmom a hug. "Thanks... I'd better go get in position. Cody's waiting for me."

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