9. Learning Experiences

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Days passed, and Downpour's coloring began to come in as a dark gray with hints of red on her head and tail, and bright green optics that studied everything.

Her personality also came out very quickly; she was infatuated with Heatwave. She followed him everywhere in the garage and bunker, she watched him practice his martial arts, snuggled up with him at night and would cry when he didn't stay with her, and would randomly headbutt him if she thought he was ignoring her.

Then again, she headbutted all of the bots; she hated being ignored, what baby didn't?

The only bot that hadn't yet been a victim of a good attention-seeking nudge was Snowblast, who after winding up in a roughhousing session with Downpour for a few seconds, wouldn't allow himself to be put down on the floor with her. Downpour complained, but the little pterosaur didn't seem to care.

One afternoon, Downpour had been acting particularly pushy to everyone, with more headbutts being dealt out than normal. Heatwave was considering locking her in his quarters just for some peace; the old Heatwave was back, and he was over his brief 'all of my attention is on my child' phase.

Then, out of nowhere, Blades came up with what could potentially be the worst idea known to bot.

"Let's take the sparklings up to Mr. Bufkin's farm! Kids love farm animals!"

Heatwave now found himself standing in the muddy driveway of the farm, a harness of sorts strapped around Downpour to keep her within reach of him if she suddenly decided to attempt to chase the chickens or ducks across the countryside. Snowblast was in Blades' arms, and Chief Burns was talking to Mr. Bufkin, assuring him that none of his livestock or crops would be harmed by this little 'learning experience.'

The first animals they encountered were the cows, who aside from the occasional glance at them, didn't seem too bothered by their presence. Heatwave was grateful for that because he had a feeling that if they bolted, so would his daughter.

Snowblast however, was completely mesmerized by the brown and white creatures that stood before him, and he cooed with wide optics as one came close to him. It mooed at him, and Heatwave watched his beak open and close as he tried to mimic the sound, but instead just emitted soft clicks.

Downpour placed her feet up against the stone wall separating them, and as another cow mooed at her, she also made an effort to copy, hers coming out sounding more like an owl's hoot than a cow.

"See?" Blades murmured, "I told you this would be a good idea."

"So far..." Heatwave muttered, and then Downpour tugged on the harness as she saw something else that caught her attention: A barn cat. "Oh, dear."

Unlike the cows, the feline was not interested in interacting with the giant metal visitors, and as Downpour bent her head down to get closer, it spat and hissed, it's fur sticking up and ears folded back.

Downpour didn't seem to get the message it was trying to convey, not even when it slashed its claws across her muzzle, barely leaving any scratches on the protometal. She pulled her head back just a tad in confusion, only to watch the cat dart off into the barn and disappear amongst the hay bales.

"Cats are just like that." Heatwave told her, "You might as well get used to it."

A loud shriek made him turn, and he found to his relief that it was one of delight. Snowblast had been introduced to the small flock of sheep and was touching their soft wool with his fingers with a look of pure joy. He had never seen the little sparkling so happy, except maybe when he first encountered snow. Blades even sat him down by the fence, and he gently petted the fluffy creatures' noses through it. He tried to copy their bleats as well, but was still only clicking and giggling.

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