4. Best Bot?

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It was a couple of days, but even Heatwave knew it couldn't be avoided. He left his sleeping chamber one morning in dinobot mode, and had been ever since.

He assisted around town and the Firehouse where he could, keeping an eye on Snowblast whenever the rest of the team was called out for an emergency.

Today, they were assisting in the decorating for an event the Mayor was hosting. It was a cooler morning, so Snowblast was content to be outside with them, dangling from his father's neck as Blades held a flag banner in place for Dani to secure.

Heatwave held his ladder tail up for Kade to hammer in the other side of the banner, another banner dangling from his teeth and awaiting its turn to be set up.

"You doing okay, Partner?" Kade asked.

"I'm fine. I'd rather get this done ourselves than have someone else fall off a ladder and then we have to pull them out of a tree."


"Remind me what these decorations are for...?" Blades whispered.

Dani sighed, "It's the Mayor's twelfth anniversary of being in office..." She muttered.

"We're not counting that break he took when Chase was in charge?" Boulder asked as he paused in his stage assembly, "Or when they thought your family was royalty?"


Dani hammered the last nail into the post and then turned to look behind her. "How's it looking from back there, Blurr?"

"Eh...Hmm...Maybe? Nah-"

"Blurr!" Heatwave barked, "Is it straight, or not?"


"Thank you."
The firetruck sighed, "Sorry. I just...don't have the energy to deal with your fooling around today."

"Good. That means we can put up this last banner and then go home so you can rest."

"I told you, I'm fine...And wouldn't you rather be working on wedding stuff with Haley?"

Kade grimaced, "Yeah, about that... Haley doesn't want me to do anything with the planning and scheduling stuff. Her exact words were... 'You bring your handsome self to the ceremony and have your family make sure nothing blows up.'"

"Which in theory wouldn't be too hard." Graham expressed, "But...This is Griffin Rock, and no event after goes according to plan."

"Shh! Don't jinx it...!"
Kade climbed down onto Heatwave's back, allowing his partner to move a ways down the treeline to the next post. "But there is something I wanted to ask you, Heatwave..."

"If you're going to ask me if you can write 'just married' on my front window, the answer is no."

"No, not that...I need a Best Man."

The fireman nearly tumbled off of his partner's back as Heatwave came to an abrupt halt. "C-Careful!"

"S-Sorry. I just...You want me to be your best man?"

"Well...Yeah! I mean, you're my partner and we spend more time together than I do anyone else on the island. You know, besides my family and Haley."

Heatwave was quiet for a moment, "...I'll need to think about it."

"That's fine! I mean, the wedding's still a couple months away, so we have time, I just wanted to ask now."

Kade tapped the ladder to alert Heatwave to lift it. "And since it'll be in a few months, you won't be dealing with your carrying by then..."

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