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Marriage is funny. It's a give and take situation. And every person's feelings have to be taken into consideration. With the Buckingham's-Lindsey and Stevie-things were different. They are their own people. Their paths only ever cross really at home or on the red carpet. She a fashion designer, Stevie Nicks Fashion Fix. He's a rockstar. But even, when they're at home it could hardly be classified as civil. 

They met when she designed a suit for his first-ever Red Carpet event. Along with some suit jackets for when he was on the road. They were quickly infatuated with each other but once they married in 1978, they quickly realized how incompatible they were, they were essentially a rat and a boa constrictor. They tend to beat the hell out of each other. Especially before and during sex. they have a promise though. Never on the face, arms, or legs. 

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