he's complicated

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» I don't know your secrets
But I'll pick up the pieces
Pull you close to me now (Yeah, yeah) «

♠ ♠ ♠

Jimin has been whining all the way from airport to their arrival to Jeju island about how he isn't ready to leave the lovely house of Mr. and Mrs. Min and he's ready to swim back to Daegu just so he can get pampered by Yoongi's parents again. Yoongi didn't hold any expression and Jimin thought the older is tired of him already.

When in fact, Yoongi love it there too. The warmth of people he love surrounding him, and Jimin. He's just letting the younger let out his feelings because he's sure once the chirpy chick tired, he would eventually stop whining and beg for Yoongi to feed him.

And he's right, as always.

"Hyung, I'm hungry, I want chicken."

"Damn, cannibalism."


Yoongi chuckles at the view of Jimin little pouty lips, his heart fluttering when the pretty guy suddenly lean closer with a scrunched nose.

"You're not feeding me, but I'll feed BOTH of us. Rent a car now so we can find a restaurant to eat!" Jimin half yelling, hands on Yoongi's shoulders as he pull the older closer. Their eyes met, but Jimin couldn't stop himself from giggling.

"I make hyung nervous! Haha, this Jiminie make hyung nervous aww..." Yoongi turn his head fast but Jimin keep on giggling and Yoongi doesn't know what to do with his chaotic brain trying not to malfunction. He end up hurrying toward the counter for car renting. Leaving Jimin giggling to himself, cheeks all rosy and high. Ah, what a dangerous man he is...

It's when they get in the car that Jimin suddenly went into full panic mode; begging so Yoongi to turn back with his hands flapping around. Truly a chick, Yoongi thought. He didn't stop the car nor did he turn back, making Jimin so flustered and angry his cheeks has turn bright red.

"Hyung I lost my bag! Stop! The! Car! Let's go find it hyung!" Jimin was practically screaming his lungs out and in indecisiveness, considered to jump out of the car window. The thought went out flying the next second when Yoongi scoffed.

"Hyung you really don't care about me? Unfair!!"

"Hm. That one restaurant look decent, let's check that one out."

Jimin puffed out air, his lips trembling as if he's so angry he can cry blood any minute from now. He seriously will!

When Yoongi finally stopped and parked the car, Jimin lost his own composure. Call him dramatic or whatever, tears flooding in his eyes was ready to fall down his puffed cheeks. 

And when he does cry, Yoongi wiped it with his thumb soflty before telling Jimin to look carefully in the backseat.

There it is, placed nicely on the backseat along with the small blanket Jimin bought from his own house. Yoongi saw it was left on the waiting chair and immediately remember how clumsy Jimin can be sometimes. Yoongi scoffed again, this time it may be a little cough coming from his heaved chest.

"Clumsy idiot."

Jimin whines for a very long time, apologizing and making promise that he will not repeat the same mistake and that he's only a little distracted because he just woke up. Yoongi says nothing.

Until they walk in the restaurant, Yoongi pinched Jimin's nose.

"It's okay, I'll be there to look out for you. You'll do the same for me too, right?"  Yoongi softly mutters. The restaurant are calm with no bustling noise considering the hour they're in are not yet lunch hour. Yoongi like this, maybe they can once again discuss about their holiday. Last time they were too sleepy and Yoongi didn't want to bother Jimin to talk with him until late night.

They sits facing each other on the table, the restaurant is an open one where the walls separating the outside and inside are transparent one. Yoongi hums as he silently watching people walking pass them. Jimin is reading the menu while voicing out his choice, also whispering "Is there anything in your mind?" Until Yoongi says, maybe soft pancakes and warm milk will do. Jimin ordered a whole chicken porridge and a warm green tea. Forcing his own food into Yoongi's mouth when their orders arrived.

"I might have to be stinky about our inn. Means, we must share room. I want to spend more money on places that we want to visit and for our food instead. Well, in case you want chocolate so suddenly in the middle of night," Yoongi said. Nonchalant. Slowly biting the pancake piece on his fork.

So... why did Jimin's ears turn red?! This is ridiculous! Shame, shame! What was he thinking, which chocolate?! He can't just assume the color, it might be pink— what color!? SHAME!

Jimin forcibly gulp down his drink, his face are so hot it might left sunburn on his skin. What behavior he's having right now, which planet is in retrograde?! Venus? Why is Jimin a Libra? This must be a curse... And he doesn't even believe in astrology in the first place!

"Oh?" Yoongi hummed, seemingly interested at Jimin sudden outbursts. Face red like he had just run three milestones road. "Do you not like the idea of sharing room with me, Jimin?" The older continued. His cat-like eyes glancing from under his long soft lashes, Jimin freeze on his chair.

Jimin flails his hands in panic, eyes widening. "No what the hell are you talking about? I like it so much I can't wait to bed you!" Yoongi sharp eyes narrowed, a brow raised. Only then did Jimin realized, what the fucking fuck he had blurted out just now.

Bad mouth! Bad mouth! Totally screwed in the head! Park Jimin feel his body swayed and he once again panicked and had wanted to explain what he had meant when Yoongi shushed him, nodding.

"Very romantic of you to say you want to bed me, that's like... An ancient flirting style? And here I thought I was the only one bent," Yoongi said with a shit eating grin on his face when Jimin goes into panic mode once again. Cheeks flushed and eyes wavering. Afraid of making any eyes contact. Alright, Yoongi decided that's enough of teasing. He wait until Jimin was calm enough before smiling, more like for himself.

"Hopefully, we find our best self while we're here." Yoongi fiddles the small handle from his cup, eyes lowering to the now empty plate. "I want to be happy... ," he softly added.

Jimin eyes lit up at the last word, "I'm here, I'll make you happy," Jimin paused, there's something else he want to say. "That's what friend do... right?" Jimin tilts his head, in confusion despite himself. Maybe his choice of words are wrong?

"Friend huh?" Yoongi smiled.

After they are done eating, their conversation has become more to questions and nods, it makes Jimin wonder even more... did he really said something wrong? Jimin took a glance toward Yoongi who's staring on his phone. Probably calculating which inn is the cheapest for two weeks stay.

Jimin pouts. Maybe he should say best friends instead? Special partners? Soulmate? Jimin now believe he really has no idea about Yoongi: his secretive self. The older is complicated, but oh so slowly, Jimin promise he will bring the best out of the older.

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