Eight - The First Party Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Try this!" Holea exclaims with a grin as she shoves a red cup into Waverly's hand and mine.

"Thank you!" I reply with a smile before I take sip, immediately trying not to gag.

"What is this? It tastes strong!" I exclaim as Waverly makes the mistake of gulping it and immediately breaks out into a coughing fit. She isn't very experienced with alcohol!

"It's punch! Drink up - it's good for you." Holea winks.

With a shrug I decide to risk it, after all what harm can one drink do? The taste burns the back of my throat and my eyes water, but I shake it off.

"Hey isn't that your man?" Roxanne giggles to Holea after she downs her own drink, gesturing across the room to my brother Owen.

He is stood talking to his friends Ethan (who has a girl cuddled into him) and Sheub. Right at that moment, his eyes skim the room, widening slightly as he catches us all staring at him, but he smiles at each of us in turn before nodding at Holea who excitedly waves at him.

"Did you see that? We totally just had a moment!" Holea squeals although now he is staring at Waverly, giving her the secret smile he reserves only for her.

"Go get it!" Roxie teases as she hands Waverly and I another drink.

This one tastes stronger somehow.

"Ok! I'll see you later girls, hopefully sometime tomorrow." She giggles as she high-fives Roxie and with a sashay of her hips strides purposely towards my brother.

I try to keep the disgusted look off my face.

As she pushes through the crowds, Waverly stiffens and turns away from Owen's view, downing both the drinks in her hands. I hate the miserable look on her face, but she is doing it to herself. I wish they would both just man up and tell each other their feelings. They are just wasting time when it is so obvious they would be perfect together. I highly doubt that Owen will sleep with Holea, but if he does, I am going to hit him so hard he will feel it for years to come.

I can't help but look across the room for Zander, slightly relieved yet disappointed when I can't see him anywhere. I wonder if he will turn up when an arm is slung around my shoulder. I am relieved when I look up and it is just my other annoying brother Isaac.

"Hey Nell and Waverly you look nice, although I am surprised to see you here." He frowns, and I get ready to fight him demanding me to leave - he is way too protective over me. "Anyway I hope you have a good night, but please be sensible with alcohol and for my sanity don't let me catch you making out with some loser Nell. I promise he will never touch you again." Isaac threatens making me roll my eyes.

"Alright dad is there anything else I'm not allowed to do?" I ask sassily as I shrug his heavy arm off my shoulders.

"Don't try me Nell." He warns over the thumping music before turning his attention to Roxie and whistling under his breath. "Damn Roxanne... you look hot." He gulps as she rolls her eyes.

"Wish I could say the same about you." She retorts as she crosses her arms.

"Really... Cause the look in your eyes says you're coming home with me tonight..." He says suggestively making me gag.

"Eww! Keep it in your pants Isaac! Ugh, do you want to dance Waverly? I can't stay around these two for a moment longer." I grumble but they cannot even hear me, too caught up in each other's eyes.

"Erm yeah sure." Waverly replies as she looks not so covertly like a love sick puppy towards Owen and Holea.

"Hey Isaac!" A sickly sweet voice yells out over the music and straight into my ear.

I turn around to see Queen Bee Ava (who is also ironically head of the cheer team) slinking over to Isaac, trying to win his attention from Roxie, who captures it effortlessly.

Gosh, is everyone trying to sleep with my brothers tonight? I shiver at the thought. Turning back to Waverly, I am surprised to see her downing yet another drink. Is that her third? Fourth? Fifth? From the way she sways when a guy accidentally bumps into her she is definitely tipsy, and needs to slow down if she wants to remember tonight at all.

"Let's dance Nell! There is something sickening going on over there!" Waverly exclaims as she grabs my arm and unsteadily pulls me toward the living room. I have a hard time deciphering whether the room is actually moving or not from the amount of people jumping in it.

As we squeeze in between the sweaty, gyrating bodies, I begin to regret my suggestion, and automatically have a headache from the clamminess and brain-bursting noise in the room. It doesn't seem to affect Waverly though who starts energetically jumping and flailing her arms around. Giggling I join in with her atrocious, childish dancing, allowing my hips to rock to the beat, although I can't really show my moves considering I cannot move without being touched. In high school my family's parties were legendary, and we were famous for being the life of the party and amazing dancers. Now it is only Eden and I who dance, as the boys are too embarrassed and like to act 'cool'. Isaac is part of the soccer team now, which he is quite good at considering he is light on his feet, and Owen plays games on his Xbox. He is definitely my nerdiest sibling, and is strangely obsessed with Star Wars.

As I dance, I notice John eating some girls face on the dance floor causing me to chuckle to myself. He is obviously a player. But then I see something that makes me freeze and my heart crack in my chest. Zander is dancing with Viv draped all over him, and I cannot deny that they look like a beautiful couple.

There is a physical pain in my chest as he laughs at something she says, and I'm sure that crack was my heart breaking.


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