Chapter 84: White

Start from the beginning

Mikasa reluctantly took a few steps away, before giving a firm nod and transforming into a wolf that sprinted away, leaving the mourning brunette sitting alone on the snowy floor with her lover's body in her embrace.


(Y/N) rushed down the hill of snow and jagged rocks, quickly making my way to the two people standing below. She stopped a few meters away from them, skidding to a sloppy halt.

"KENNY!!" (Y/N) roared at the top of her lungs, anger more than audible in her voice.

The man, Kenny, let out an amused chuckle before slowly turning around to face the enraged girl. "Ah, now there's a voice I recognize."

(Y/N) flinched upon seeing Kenny. To be exact, upon seeing his eyes. Instead of normal steel grey eyes, the were now bright burning red. (Y/N) was quick to realize that they were similiar to Levi's when he suddenly turned and attacked her.

Kenny flashed (Y/N) a toothy grin. "Hello, Lord (Y/N)!" He snarled mockingly, eyes widening in excitement.

What the.... that voice.....

"I'm so delighted to finally be able to meet you!!" He exclaimed joyfully, almost jumping on the spot. (Y/N) remained silent, her expression confused and uneasy as she tried to remember where she had heard this voice before.

Kenny pretended to frown in disappointment, pouting his mouth as he leaned down to level with (Y/N), supporting his upper body with his hands on his knees. "Awh, look at that face. Are you not happy to see me?"

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed as she tightened her fists, her reply coming out as a low growl. "I'm delighted to see you die today."

Kenny clapped his hands, smiling again as he threw his head back for a loud, hearty laugh. "There's that fire!!" He cried out happily. "Oh how I've missed that fire!!!"

(Y/N) scowled at the older man's reaction, his response making her blood bubble with rage.

"D'you wanna know who it reminds me off?" Kenny continued with a laugh. "Your mother-!" He paused for a moment to let out a fit of suppressed giggles. "Right before I grabbed her neck, and sliced it open with my very own claws-"

(Y/N) cut him off, launching herself at full speed towards the laughing man, a pocket knife gripped firmly in her hands. Kenny smirked and snapped his fingers, and within the blink of an eye, Levi appeared in front of Kenny with a hand harshly wrapped around the sharp, small knife.

(Y/N) jumped back from surprise, forcefully removing the blade from Levi's hand, unintentionally cutting his flesh deeper in the process. Guilt swarmed her mind as she watched red drops of blood spill from the wound.

"Coward," (Y/N) muttered, glaring daggers at Kenny who only raised a brow in response. (Y/N) turned her attention to Levi, who was standing in front of her with a dark, blank gaze.

"Levi!" She mouthed to him. "What the heck are you doing??"

Levi remained blank and unresponsive. From behind him, Kenny let out yet another amused chuckle. "There's no point in trying to get him to join your side," he sneered, walking up to Levi and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You see, Levi listens only to me." Kenny grinned, giving his shoulder a few pats. "Isn't that right, Levi?"

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