Chapter 31 Friends With Benefits

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"You loved her?" Dr. enquired "Ayoka."

"NO" John's denial was louder than expected "She was work. We needed her."

"Why did you need her?

We were getting some information from her" John was taking irregular deep breath now.

"What kind of information?" Dr. knew he was pushing John's limits but he had to. It was important both for John and his sanity; his strong determination to work it out.

"Top secret information ssh.." John sealed his lips, his eyes still closed as he was in semi amnesia.

"You can share the information." Dr encouraged "the secret is safe with me, you can trust me."

"We can trust nobody" John was clear and convinced.

"Okay then what was Aayoka's " Dr spelled the Japanese or tried to pronunciation the name properly "profession"

"She was in charge of recruitments in airports." John answered, his brows furrowed even in sleep. "She knew exactly who was in what division in Narita International airport.

"How was she helping you?" Dr. asked.

"SShhhh" John silenced him making a T of keeping his left hand vertical and right hand perpendicular to other hand "top secret"

"Did you get the required information?" Dr. asked.

"I was waiting for someone who'd bring the details." John mumbled

"Then what happened?" Dr. prodded.

John paused for a long time and then he finally spoke

"It was busy street. Regular traffic, normal day and then gunshots were heard all of a sudden.

I fired bullets too. They were chasing me, trying to kill me. Instead I followed the guy and when I was about to reach the person another bullet was shot from behind.

It was very painful

I couldn't breath

I could see stars shimmering in front of my eyes...

He paused for a very long time..

"what happened? Why were you feeling like this?"

No answer

"When was this?"

No answer.

"John can you listen to me?" Dr. was worried about lingered silence

"John what happened ?" Dr. Markle shouted worried.

"I was shot.. All I could feel was darkness, dead end..


John woke up in an instant, his head spinning and hurting at the same.

He was about to leave when Dr. Markle stopped him "no John don't. You are not in right mind set."

"But I think I have got the hunch, I think I have got what exactly they are going to do." John was swaying like a drunken man. "I have to go"

"No you cant. John understand " Dr. Markle readied a syringe "I am sorry but I cannot let you do this." He said and shot him with a small dose of sedative. "you need to rest" he said

"but I know the...y ar.. pla..nn..I know" and he went to a deep slumber.

D eased him to his room with the help of his staff and thanked Dr. Markle for his services.

"You have been staring at him for long" Hailey, D's wife said.

"I love him as my child but his duty towards his nation is important. I however cannot see him suffer like this," D said as he took a long drag of his cigarette.

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