"Just answer the question."

"Leather or rope on metal."

"Sword hilt, interesting." Jasper understood what I meant. "It was silk for your mother." 

The last part was so low that I almost didn't hear it. But I did hear it. I bolted upright.

"My mother was incredibly poor. She couldn't afford silk. You know nothing about my mother." 

Jasper stared at me with pity. "I used to think I knew everything about your mother. Oh well." He yawned. "It's time to get some sleep." He then turned his back on me and lay on the ground. I lay back down slowly eyeing the deity across the flames.

What's his problem?

Bree didn't answer me. 

I fell asleep with more questions I hoped I'd remember in the morning. 

Jasper was back to his usual self in the morning. Loud and proud. We picked up camp and increased our pace. 

"It's only another day and half if we continue at this pace." I informed him.

"Say, Skye," Jasper asked after a glorious half day of silence. 


"Your favorite animal?"

"Ones I don't have to kill." Jasper's eyebrows raised for a brief moment before he began an onslaught of questions. 

"Favorite food?"

"Grilled beef if I can get it."

"Have you ever wanted to meet a mermaid?"


"Did you always want to be a soldier?"


"What did you want to do then?"

"I wanted to be a blacksmith when I was younger." 


"Seemed profitable and I could look after my family that way."

Suddenly a gust of wind that wasn't a gust of wind blew before us. It turned into a party of Draconi scouts. Their leader seemed to recognize me.

"Firebird!" He shouted in his tongue. He took his helmet off and I was surprised to see an older looking Nylras smiling at me. "You're back!" He then told his scouts something I couldn't quite hear and the group left us immediately. Nylras turned back to us. 

"Didn't take you as long as you seemed to think, huh?" He laughed and I smiled at him. He bounded up to me.

"Nylras, how long has it been?" I asked as I grasped his arm in friendship.

"Three months, maybe four?" He scratched his head then shrugged. 

"I see you've added a goatee to your rather poor arsenal of facial hair." I teased. 

"Hey! It took me two whole months to grow this out!" He whined while he petted it. "At least I'm not growing an ugly mullet. I mean honestly, you need a haircut!" 

"He needs more than that, my friend." Jasper chimed in. Nylras didn't question him. He merely looked me up and down and nodded in agreement. 

"I do agree. It's much to chilly here to be going shirtless." He then faced Jasper. "You are with Firebird, yes?"

"Yes." Jasper shook his head happily. 

"Then come! We have huts, food, shirts, and beds you may rest on. Follow me!" He then turned around and led us further into the forest. 

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