Bree and Laura never left my side for even a second till now cause we have all the same classes except my AP maths which will be after the lunchtime.

The girls introduced me to their squad with whom they hang out when they are not with each other which happens very less as they are practically attached to the hips.

Right now we are heading towards our lockers to dump our books and then we will head out to the cafeteria to get our lunch.

I was putting my books inside when the locker beside me opens. I turned to see it was Matthew, we did chat in the homeroom for a bit, he seems like a nice guy.

Well more like he talked and you ogle.

Ugh let it go already. I don't know what to talk about

I am usually awkward kinda person I couldn't initiate a conversation. I don't know what to talk about or how to reply. It takes a bit time for me to open up.

"Oh hi, locker partner." He said with his cheeky smile.

"Hey you." I replied smiling at him.

Way to go dumbass. "Hey you". What were you thinking saying that?

I didn't know what else to say.

Well definitely not "hey you". Stop embarrassing me.

No hold up why was that embarrassing.

I don't know but it was. You could have said "Vas happening".

Oh look who is saying like you are any good with human interaction.

Yeah atleast better than you.

Okay then, but you are my brain why didn't you thought something more sensible than "hey you".

"Matt you coming" his friends hollered.

"Hey sorry, we will talk later. I gotta go now." He smiled sheepishly at me.

"Yeah no problem, bye" I shrugged.

"Bye" with that he was engulfed by the crowd.

"Let's go" Laura said as she came by my side.

And then happens something that I would not have guessed in a million years.

You know when everything goes nice and smoothly in your life never NEVER be happy cause that, that is just the silence before the storm.

I turned around and my eyes fell on the last person that I wanted to see ever again.

"Fuck no." I whispered.

At the same moment he turned around. And suddenly things were going on in slow motion.

No they aren't stop being dramatic.

His eyes widen when he recognizes me and his mouth fell open. We both have the same look of bewilderment and utter shock at our faces.

And then he snapped out of it and his jaw clenched.

"Well, well, well if it isn't our little miss desperate. Must say you have some nerves to dare stalk me till here." He said bitterly.

Yes people it's none other than our prince of jerks.

"And you have nerves to dare say anything like that Mr Jerkface." I retorted followed by a round of gasps from everyone around us.

I now notice that just after Mr Jerkface made his snide comment the whole hallway has quietened and every pair of eyes were on us. Get a life people. But I didn't look at anybody because right now we were in a staring contest and hell I am so not backing down.

"What the fuck do you want " he said finally giving up.

I was trying to hide the smirk that was threatening to break out as I won. Yeah sucker on your face.

Mature. Real mature.

I don't have time for you now so go away.

"To kill you, duh" I said as a matter of fact gaining another round of gasps. What the fuck.

"Then why fucking follow me here" he said grinding his teeth. His knuckles turning white from his clenched fist.

"For fuck's sake I didn't follow you here jackass" I said trying to control my anger.

"Listen here" he started taking long steps towards me and I backed until my back hit the locker.

He halted just a few inches away from me, bending to come in level with me.

Damn you small height.

"Do not mess with me." His voice hoarse and face few centimetres away from mine so close that I could feel his warm breath and his grey eyes with specs of green bored into mine.

Man his eyes are beauty.

"Ever heard of personal space" I narrowed my eyes. Trying to push him back.

"Why is my closeness riling you up. " he smirked.

"No, you are disgusting me with your ugly face. My eyes are hurting from your ugliness. " this time when I pushed he backed away.

"You are so full of lame comebacks" he rolled his eyes.

"I am not lame you are lame whining like a kid." I made a scrunched up face muttering "you are lame".

"You call me childish when YOU make a face like that." annoyance clear in his voice.

"Atleast my face is not as hideous as yours." I said glaring at him. He is getting on my nerves now.

Oh my god you are soo bad at fighting. I swear even middle school kids have better comebacks.

"You wish, cause this is flawless." He said pointing at his face and smirking. A lot of snickers can be heard all across the halls.

"Listen up Jerkface, cut the crap we both know who was at fault and was being delusional." I have had enough of his shit.

"Oh please it was pretty clear who was trying to do what." He said glaring at me.

"Get your effing big head out of your ass. NOT. EVERYONE. IS. LIKE. THEM. HOES." I was beyond pissed.

"Well, doesn't looks like it." He said hissing near my ear.

"How about you introduce your upper lip to your lower lip and shut up." I said.

He looked at me like I am some alien. Oh how I wish I was an alien, life would be soo much better away from this planet.

"Your ass must be really jealous of all that shit coming out of your mouth." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Uh really you wa-" he was cut off by a booming voice.

Well shit.


Well that happened. ;)

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