chapter 12 - may the best man win / our room

Start from the beginning

To win Y/N's I must take any chance to get closer with him. I reach for his seatbelt, looking at him directly in the eyes as I was doing so. He looked so innocent and scared, and a hint of being turned on. I buckle his seat belt and start the car. I take a last quick glance at Y/N who is now pink as a peach,


I begin to drive, getting onto the highway making it home. To ease off the awkward silence, I turn on the radio. I was flipping through the channels because no good song was on until I stop on the song that made me love Y/N.

Naul - Memory of the Wind

I sneakily look at Y/N's pretty face flinch at this, then he smiles. He may not know who he sang it with, but he does love this song. This warms my heart as I see Y/N looking outside the window smiling a bit. Now that this is happening, I noticed that Y/N hasn't been really smiling lately, I wonder why. He hummed that song all the way home.

()()()()()(Time skip 30 minutes)()()()()()

"Okay Y/N were here, home sweet home!" I say enthusiastically when I pulled up onto the driveway. "You can go inside and I'll grab the bags oka~" I turn my head to look at him, but he was knocked out already. I smile at the sight, he's still pink, and so little. I unbuckle my seatbelt and his, I clim out of the car to carry him bridal style into the house. I knock on the door twice, I can hear shuffle and loud bangs in there, what is going on? After a few minutes Y/N's dad opens the door, looking sweaty and tired. "Are you okay?" I ask with worry. "It's fine I was just getting everything ready and cleaning the house that's all" he waves his hand as a sign of 'it's okay'

but something didn't feel right... whatever.

I begin to step into the house that I ran away from nine years ago. I walked inside with Y/N in my hands, looking around to see the house I met my baby boy; it brought back so many memories that I might have started to get teary eyed if Y/N cute drowsy yawn hadn't snapped me out of my daze. I looked at him and smiled, he might have felt something because I noticed his milk white cheeks turned peachier. "Jin the room is upstairs and the guest room is being used for other things right now so you have to sleep in Y/N's room with him, you don't have a bed yet. I'm sorry" Y/N's dad explains taking me away from staring at Y/N's beautiful face. "no no no it's okay I swear I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I mumbled the last part and slightly smirked. "Oh okay" he says unsure but I just smile to tell him it is really ok. I followed his directions to Y/N's room with him in my arms while looking around the surprisingly well kept house.

I open the door to Y/N's new but familiar room. The music shelf looked the same, bigger actually. Same bed, same blanket, floor, roof, walls, tv, everything was how it was from back then. I walk to the bed and take off Y/N's shoes, pants, shirt and replace it with his pajamas. I lay down Y/N softly underneath the blanket, leaning down to his little forehead giving is a soft peck. I head back downstairs to get Y/N's belongings from the car. I grabbed all the bags which wasn't much but it was quite heavy. When I walk back into the house, I hear a quiet shuffling from upstairs. 'Y/N must've woken up' I thought. I climb up the stairs with the luggage's in my hand and reached Y/N's room. I open his door to reveal a yawning Y/N with messy bed hair and a pink nose.

He is mine one and only. Mine.

"Good morning Y/N!" I say as I chuckle, leaning against the entrance to his room.

"How did-, when did you-, what- happened?" He looked confused as heck but I can help but smile.

"You fell asleep in the car so I had to carry you and change your clothes because pe-ewww! Those hospital cloths were musty." I answer with exaggeration in my voice.

And awkward five minutes of silence rested in the room as I sorted Y/N's clothes, I need to communicate with him. "Your house looks really nice Y/N, you and your dad must've worked hard to keep it clean!" I smile trying to ease out the silence as I turn to look at Y/N, but I saw him slightly stiffen up when I said 'dad' but I didn't think to much of it and shrugged it off. "You know baby boy, if there is anything you need to talk about I'm here." I say calmly as I kneel in front of his bed reaching out to give him a hug. I lay my face in the crook of his neck and trail my hand through his soft hair. I want this, I need this in my life, and I'm gonna get it.

"I'm serious ,really, I got your back" I say patting his shoulder. I smile nicely and looked into his eyes. He blushed and said "t-thanks Jin hyung.

I begin to stand up and start unpacking again but I noticed he was still staring at me.

"You okay bud?"

Y/N shyly look down and played with his hands.

"You kinda remind me is someone, but I cant wrap my head around who it is." He said looking puzzled. I smiled and had a mini attack hoping he wouldn't find out but I looked like I was calm. "Also thank you hyu-hyung you know, f-for saving me and a-all" Y/N spoke as his face turned bright red. I cooed as Y/N said hyung because he had this calming and sweet tone to it. "I would do anything to make sure my baby boy is happy and safe. Speaking of which what's up with you and Namjoon?" I smiled nicely so Y/N thinks I have no problem with that asshole.

he paused...

"N-nothing really..." he blushed and looked down......



Hey y'all next chapter soon hope you like this one and get yourselfs ready for some smut. 😏😏😏

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