27. The Violin's Love Song

Start from the beginning

Kate felt such a fierce stab of love for him then, as he promised to protect her. Her eyes began to well with tears. Rafe noticed and became concerned, "Kate, what's upset you?"

Kate shook her head, "I'm not upset. Not at all. It's just - I've always been responsible for everything. I have to protect them all; Michael and Emma, mom and dad, even Wilamena since she's here now. I have to take care of them and protect them and take control. And I don't mind, really, I love them, and I know they love me. But - But I've never really had anyone to take care of me back. To protect me."

Rafe leaned over to brush a lock of her dark blonde hair from her eyes, his voice soft and tender as he spoke to her, "well, you have me now. I'm here. And we'll protect each other."

Kate smiled then, a true, beaming smile. It was the most beautiful sight Rafe had ever seen and it kicked his heart into overdrive. Kate scooted closet to him and murmured, "we protect each other, yes, I like that."

Rafe's arm instinctively went around her shoulders and he marveled at how close she was and how right it felt, the two of them holding onto each other through thick and thin. For a moment, Rafe wished this moment could last forever. Then he realized there was a better option; a lifetime of moments like this with Kate. Together, they would make that happen.

"I love you so much," he found himself saying, "more than anything in the world. More than the world itself. Truth be told, I don't think there are words to describe how much I love you. If I had my violin I could try and play my feelings. I could seranade you all night long."

Kate turned and looked up at him, eyes shining, "I love you too, endlessly... and, well, I'd say that was pretty eloquent right there. But if you want, when all this is over, we can get you a new violin."

Rafe smiled, "I'd like that. Then I really can play for you all night long."

Kate blushed ever so slightly, "I'd... I'd love that."

Another, more peaceful silence descended over them until the only sound was Emma's soft snoring from the other side of the room. As before, the silence hung in the air for a moment, but this time it was Kate who broke it, "do you remember a week ago, when we were still in Cambridge Falls, on the roof?"

"Yeah?" Rafe said, curious to why she was bringing this previous albeit lovely conversation up.

"Do you remember when I said I wished I could kiss you?" Kate asked.

"Yes," Rafe's heart was pounding intensely now.

Kate met his eyes, "well... you aren't a ghost anymore."

The two lovers leaned in then, their lips colliding in a feather soft and gentle kiss. Slowly they melted into it more and more, until they finally broke apart, smiling and blushing.

"Wow," Rafe said, "that might have been the best thing in the world."

Kate giggled at his remark, "I don't disagree. But we should probably try to get some sleep. We have work to do tomorrow."

And with that, they were forced to leave their blissful paradise and rejoin the chaotic world threatening to swallow them whole.

They returned to the sleeping area where the children all seemed to be dreaming relatively peacefully, something Kate was relieved to see. She turned to Rafe then, remembering something, "oh! I never thanked you for watching over my siblings while I... while..."

"It was no trouble. Well, those two our trouble, but in the best way. But seriously Kate, they're your siblings. Of course I'll protect them with my life," Rafe replied, then added with a shy grin, "besides, they don't seem to hate me anymore."

Kate smiled, "no, soon they'll start teasing you and driving you crazy."

Rafe huffed out a soft laugh. Then he and Kate got to work, finding the remaining blankets and limp pillows and using them to make a makeshift cot on the ground. When they were finished, Rafe stepped back, "there you go."

Kate looked at him, mildly amused, "what, are you just gonna sleep on the cold floor? I know you were raised in an age of gentlemen, but seriously Rafe, come lay beside me. There's plenty of blankets for the both of us."

Rafe blushed, "are you sure?"

"It's just sharing a blanket, not marriage," Kate remarked, "besides, together we can chase each other's nightmares away."

Rafe didn't argue any longer. He simply lay down next to Kate, throwing a scratchy wool blanket over them both. They lay down their heads on the pillows and soon they were drifting off, still facing each other even in their sleep.

That night, for once in their lives, neither of them had any nightmares.

A/N: The shippy chapter we all needed and wanted because these two are adorable and deserve everything. (Also, for someone who has never been in a relationship and doesn't want to be, I write romance pretty dang well, lol)

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