7. The Lovers Reunited

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Rafe and Kate sat on that cold roof under the cover of night, just staring into each other's eyes, each trying to find the words to say. But what words could possibly work after all they had been through?

It was Kate who broke the silence, her voice shaking, "I really have missed you, so much."

"I have too," Rafe whispered.

"I keep thinking about you," Kate continued, "even when it's... even when it hurts and I know I shouldn't. Even when I tell myself you're gone. I can't just forget you."

"I know how it feels. You're all I've been able to think about even though I know I shouldn't. Not when I'm dead and you have a whole life to live," Rafe said.

"But you're here now. We're together," Kate said, assuring herself that it would all be fine. That she would make it fine.

Rafe sighed, "Yeah, and everything is crumbling. And no one knows why. Not exactly the optimal circumstances for a reunion."

"But when do things ever go the way we want," Kate replied, shiny of bitterness in her voice. Though she tried not to be bitter, sometimes it slipped out, all her exhaustion and frustration with destiny. Often times she hated destiny, for all it had put her family and friends through, as well as for taking Rafe away from her.

After another minute of silence, Rafe asked, "so, what have you been doing?"

"Michael, Emma and I were explaining the whole magic, books of beginning, disaster situation," Kate answered.

"And how did Roger take it?" Rafe continued.

"His name is Robert. But I think you know that," Kate said, watching Rafe fight back a mischievous grin. She laughed, "he took it better then expected. Not that I really care. I mean, I am sorry I got him involved in this when he never should have been. But what he thinks of me, well that doesn't matter in the least."

"Ah, you aren't a fan of your neighbor." Rafe deduced.

Kate shrugged, "he's not my kind of person. He wants to be friends, I don't. But I don't wanna talk about Robert. I came here to talk to you Rafe. You disappeared to think earlier and I wanted to know if you were ok."

Rafe tensed, "I'm fine."

Kate purses her lips into a frown, "Rafe, please. Be honest with me. If there's something I should know..."

"There is something," Rafe said, "when I accessed the magic in your soul to bring us here, something was... odd."

"Odd how?

Rafe took a deep breath, "a normal, non magical human has a single spark of magic inside of them that allows their soul to function. That's what I should have felt. But instead, I felt a wildfire of magic inside you. The kind that only extremely powerful magic users have."

Kate looked at him inquisitively, "could it have something to do with the atlas?"

Rafe shook his head, "no. It's not the atlas. It's your own magic."

"But how could I have not known about it before?" Kate pressed, "how has it not been unlocked?"

"I don't know. I don't know how this connects to what's happening either but I have a feeling it does somehow. It's particularly curious however because your parents do not have magic," Rafe answered.

"Do my siblings?" Kate asked.

Rafe replied, "I haven't confirmed that, but I have a hunch they do. It seems likely in my eyes. What I'm less clear on is how this will affect everything that's happening or if your magic can somehow be unlocked."

"It's a lot to think about," Kate agreed, soaking all this in. Magic of her own, powerful magic. Well that could change a lot. Even if it somehow wasn't connected to all of this, it would certainly throw a wrench in her parents' "normal life" plan.

"But it's not a bad thing," Rafe said after a moments pause, "magic can do some great things Kate. And you're such a good, strong, amazing person - if anyone can handle it, you can."

Kate shot him a small smile, "well, thanks. It's nice to know you believe in me through all this."

"How can I not," Rafe said, passion rising in his voice, "you believed in me through the darkness. You never gave up on me even when I gave up on myself. Hell, you and your belief saved me Kate."

"Only because you saved me first when you sacrificed your soul for me," Kate replied.

"And I'd do it again if I had to," Rafe stated. And looking into his eyes, Kate knew it was the absolute truth. Which felt good, in a way. She spent every moment of her life caring for the people she loved. She sacrificed a lot for them and expected nothing in return. So it was nice to know that there was one person in the world who put her first, who took care of her back. Who understood her so well.

It was one of the things that made her love Rafe even more.

He tilted his head in curiosity, "what are you thinking about? You have this adorable little smile on your face.."

"I just... It still blows me away sometimes, how comfortable I am with you. How happy I am with you. But it's a good kind of blown away, you know?"

Rafe responded, "Do I know? Kate, you have no idea how much I know. How much you overwhelm me because being around you makes me happier than anything. Before I met you I had no idea it was possible to love someone this much."

Then he felt silent, wondering if he had taken it too far with his declarations of love. After all, he was a dead man. How could they possibly be together? What even was the point of saying these things when they would only hurt later?

A moment passed before Kate spoke again, Rafe hanging on to her every word, "you remember what you were saying before. About me having a life to live. Well I can't imagine it without you. I can't imagine anyone else... and I swear, I'm not sure how, but I promise, we will find a way to make things work for us."


"I love you, Rafe."

Rafe could have sworn he felt his heart kick then, even though he didn't have a heart anymore, "I love you too."

They sat there for a moment, incredibly close together, gazing into each others' eyes. Then Kate sighed and pulled back, "I really wish I could kiss you right now."

Rafe began to stammer, "I uh... yeah, that would be... uh..."

Kate giggled, and the sound washed over him, filling him with joy in a way only her laugh could. She put him at ease, she lit up his world. He loved her so much and he had thought he lost her forever. So now, to be sitting beside her, even as a ghost, even with chaos raging on, it was bliss.

As for Kate, she felt the same. Blissfully in love though afraid to lose it all. But, she thought, looking into those emerald eyes that shine with love for her, the risk would be worth it in the end, if someway, somehow, this could all work out.

A/N: Here we are, Kate and Rafe shipping because of course I must include it.

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