2. Chocolate and Concern

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"KATE! Emma stole my sandwich!" Michael yelled, glaring at his younger sister. Emma just smirked in response and took a bite out of the ham sandwich that she most definitely did steal. Kate sighed, but there was a fond look in her eye as she watched her siblings tease each other. 

The three had been left home alone, to Michael and Emma's great delight. Their parents had many errands to run throughout the day and didn't expect to be back until late. They had been worried at first, they didn't like leaving the children, even for a little bit. But Kate had reminded them that it was only for the day and that she and her siblings would be fine at home.

What she did not say was that it would do Michael and Emma some good to have some time to relax and talk without their parents hovering.

It was just a little after five now, and already dark outside. Kate was watching her siblings from the kitchen, making hot chocolate for them all. Their parents should be getting home soon, she thought, checking the time. 

"Emma, apologize for stealing the sandwich," Kate said.

"But what if I'm not sorry?" Emma asked through a mouthful.

Kate put her head in her hands as Michael snapped at Emma to chew with her mouth closed. The two youngest Wibberlys continued to argue, and Kate watched them. Even after all they had been through Michael and Emma's conflicting personality traits still led them to arguments. Some things never changed.

"Michael, here's your hot chocolate," Kate handed him a warm mug.

Emma pouted, "no fair, why does he get his first?"

Kate gave her an amused look, "because he didn't steal a sandwich. Now be patient, I'm getting yours ready."

She heard Emma's grumble of acceptance and Michael's snickering as she returned to the kitchen to put together a mug for her sister. She looked out the window as she did. The rain and slush still hadn't stopped pouring down. That could delay their parents return because they had to be cautious on the road, she realized. But they still shouldn't be too much longer.

Then she saw a tall figure dressed in a blue raincoat running up the sidewalk to their front step. Kate sighed and dashed to the door, opening it before he could even knock.

Robert was a tall boy of 16 years, with light brown curls that were currently soaked as though he hadn't put his hood up before he got outside. He had brown eyes and was currently looking at Kate with a awkward smile on his face.

"Are you alright?" Kate asked, "you just ran through that rain like -"

"Like a crazy person," Emma suggested. She was now holding her own mug of hot chocolate, having taken it from the kitchen herself.

"I was wondering if you all had any soup I can borrow. I'll pay you back later of course," Robert said.

Kate raised an eyebrow, "soup?"

"Uncle Wayne's away for work today, he had to go into the office. He's been grumbling about it all week. So I'm kinda on my own for dinner but we haven't been to the grocery store in a while - I sound really unprepared and silly, don't I?" Robert rambled.

Kate weighed her options. She could get him a container of soup and send him on his way. But he seemed lonely and lost, and she didn't want to leave him on his own while it was pouring and his uncle was away. He didn't seem prepared for that, and though Kate wasn't a fan of his, she didn't want to be cruel.

"You can come in if you want," she finally said, albeit grudgingly, "we're having sandwiches and hot chocolate."

Robert's face lit up and Kate sighed, opening the door wider to let him in, "just wipe your feet on the mat and hang your coat on a hook. Michael, Emma, you two willing to share sandwiches or do I have to make more?"

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