23. Never The End

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The heroes sat around Abigail's kitchen table catching each other up on recent events. Jake and Beetles shared a bowl of ice cream, for some reason that nobody knew. Wilamena rested her head on Michael's shoulder. Rafe stood by Kate's side, ready to get her anything she needed. Gabriel floated by the door and observed the group. And Emma held tight to her older sister's hand, afraid to lose her ever again.

As they sat there, Michael told Kate everything that she missed and Kate listened intently, proud of how her siblings had persisted even with her gone. Or at least, she was proud until they got to the part where they snuck out to rescue her.

"You snuck out!" Kate exclaimed, eyes narrowing, "do you have any idea how dangerous and reckless that was?"

"It probably wasn't our most well thought out idea," Michael admitted. In fact, now that he thought about it, it had been adrenaline fueled and dangerous and if their friends hadn't come to help, it probably wouldn't have worked at all. But against all odds it had succeeded.

Though, sitting there with Kate glaring at him, he realized that perhaps he should try to know better next time.

"It really wasn't your best idea," Gabriel agreed from his position by the door.

Wilamena nodded, "It was reckless, I'll admit."

"Reckless?" Abigail scoffed, "Reckless is Jake and Beetles taking a leaky boat out onto the lake. This was absolutely insane. Why, if I hadn't gone to check on you and found you gone, who knows what would have happened!"

"And you have every right to scold us for getting into danger," Michael said.

Kate frowned, "you bet I do. And you, Rafe? You helped them? I thought you were more responsible?"

Rafe shrugged, and had the grace to look vaguely apologetic, "I panicked. It wasn't my most strategic decision."

"But let's not forget, everything worked out in the end," Emma added.

Rafe looked at the youngest Wibberly with surprise. Had she just taken the same side as him? 

Kate, meanwhile, sighed with deep set exhaustion, but there was a smile creeping onto her face, "while I can't say I'm glad that you put yourselves in danger, you were all very brave. And Iam grateful for you for coming to rescue me."

"Of course," Emma said fiercely, squeezing the older girls' hand, "you're my sister. You're family. We're always there for each other."

Kate felt a burst of pride looking at brave, determined, caring Emma. She was growing up so well.

Michael smiled at his sisters and added, "but let's avoid ever doing this again if we can help it."

Kate laughed, "definitely."

Then the room fell silent except for Jake and Beetles spoons scraping against their ice cream carton. Everyone turned to Kate and she realized it was probably her turn to tell her side of the story. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She just wasn't ready to talk about it all, the torture she had suffered. Not while her body still ached.

"It's ok," Abigail said gently, noticing Kate's discomfort, "you don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"Thank you," Kate sighed in relief.

"At least it's over now," Beetles chimed in through a mouthful, "we won the fight."

"No," Rafe shook his head, "it's not the end. The Dire Magnus's ghost is still out there and if we let him wander this Earth he will come up with another plan to kill us all."

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