Bluefox took her left hand and weakly smacked it on his right cheek.

"When was the last time you took care of yourself?" The man just smirked at that.

"Don't mention it, I have a responsibility in Easy Company that I need to take care of." He said joking around, taking her hand and putting it right by her side.

"C'mon here, you big lucky strike." She ironically said making space for him in the bed.

"I need to get myself ready and you-" she pointed a finger at him.

"Lay down and rest." Ashley said trying to stand but a hand pulled her back.

"Oh no, no. Don't worry about that. We will join them at night, I've already talked to Winters." He said, getting comfortable in his small chair.

He started telling her what happened after she passed out.

That Richard had a piece in his leg, Lipton almost lost his manly thing.

Some lost legs, some lives.

When he stopped talking in mid sentence, Bluefox already knew that he fell asleep.

She turned away from him.
Within a few minutes she fell asleep.

"Oi Ash. It's time. Come on... or do you want to stay?" Ron asked towering over Ash.

"No!" She angrily got up, smacking each other with the foreheads.

"Thanks, that really woke me up." She groaned massaging her head.

"Not my fault that you're reckless, kid." He said smirking.

For the rest of the walk Ashley didn't exchange a single word with him.

It was dead silent.

When they arrived Easy company and few nurses greeted her with a smile.

Few of them greeted her even with a bone crushing hug.

"It's good to see you still with us, Ash. We've almost lost you." Dick said smiling and shaking hands with her.

"How's the leg?" She asked nodding at the bandages leg.

"I barely can walk. And what are you doing here? You should be resting, the hit you took it wa-"

"it wasn't that bad, and Speirs let me." She explained, pointing at the Officer who walked from foxhole to foxhole checking people.

"How is he? After you've got hit, he took hundred prisoners, in one day, all alone! He's impossible." Ashley nodded, looking at the Officer.

"You sho-" The woman totally ignored him, jumping into an empty foxhole.

Speirs sighted, jumping after her. There was so small space that Their legs were touching.

Ron boringly stared at her face all the time, Ashley felt uneasy with that, trying to look everywhere but not into his orbs.

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