『 Flames 』

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"Bluefox, Lipton. You will be taking care of the TNT. Right behind us there will be four medic if you need help. Just shout." Winters instructed looking at everyone.

"Sweet." Ashley replied looking around with a small smile.

Her expression changed when she saw Speirs staring at her, puffing out clouds of smoke.

She blushed slightly, remembering the night in England.

"EASY COMPANY, WE'RE MOVING!" They took off to destroy the German gun emplacements at Brécourt.

"Captain! Your plan is great and all, but I know how to destroy them." She walked to Winters showing her arrow with an added tnt to it.

"It's like shooting a normal arrow, but because it weights more I need to aim higher. I've got this. I even made Thicker arrows so that they won't break!" She said with no hesitation in her voice.

Richard thought about this.

"Okayy, so what's your plan then?". He asked taking some ammunition.

"Well, it will go as you planned. Some will shoot krauts for distraction. I will climb the biggest tree and fire the shots." Ashley explained.

"If things won't go as planned, I have plan B. Going there by myself." She added slowly.

Winters just looked at her, nodding slowly.

"Okay. Just, be careful okay?" He asked putting hands on her shoulders and shaking her slightly.

  "y'know the best thing is that they won't even think about this move. Everyone thinks it's stupid to use arrows these days.
Only guns and the best equipment. But sometimes old methods are the best methods, remember that captain." Smiling proudly she said before leaving to train a little for the upcoming war.


"Shit! Shit, shit."

Ashley blew out two guns before she was spotted, now they're not aiming at the Utah beach, they're aiming at her.

After few shots they got her tree.
She received a few big and small cuts.

Nothing new.

'Okay. Plan B then.' Ash thought taking out 4 tnt and running into their base, firing in front of her, so that smoke could cover her.

Killing Germans on the way with her arrow and switchblade. She had a lot of trick under her sleeve with this beauties.

In 20 minutes she was done. She blew out the last gun.

Ash didn't had much time to hide from the explosion and in return she got some burned marks here and there.

She took of her army shirt, leaving herself only in her dark sleeveless t-shirt.

"Ash! You alright?" Asked Winters coming to help her up.

"The mission was successful. We won!" He said smiling at her.

"I told you so. It means that you're a good leader." She patted him on the shoulder and went to their group, praising people.

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