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Unknown POV:

This world is pitiful. Full of war, full of suffering, full of hatred. Some people are hungry and sick. Some people are starting fights, causing acts of terrorism, harming others for selfish beliefs. There aren't enough resources on this planet for everyone; overpopulation in many areas is making their lives miserable. Most importantly, look at how human life is screwing up the earth. The ways we "better" our lives is only ruining everything else. Anyone who thinks the world is okay as it is today is nothing but a fool. They aren't looking past their own views to see how messed up our planet has become.

Some may say that my methods are drastic, but those that survive will thank me. I am going to cleanse this world of its problems. I will remove the opposing thoughts that cause wars. I will eradicate the pain and suffering of this world. I will make it possible for us to live in harmony with nature without us destroying it as we have. It won't be easy. And it won't come without loss. But in the end, you will all believe: the world is better this way.

I am going to save this planet from the harm we are causing it. I am going to save the people from the torment they are causing each other. This is my promise to the planet.

Thanks for your patience everyone! Updates for this book may be slow for a little while as I am working on finishing up my last semester of college and that is my first priority, but this book is something I've been excited to start writing for quite some time and I can't wait to share it with you!

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