Chapter 2 - Hangovers

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I inwardly facepalm myself. 'Okay'? Anything would've been better than 'okay'!

I can see the hurt in Nick's face as he looks away and sits up, scooting away from me. I don't blame him. I close my eyes, afraid of his response.

"Okay?" he repeats almost angry now.

"Umm..." I open my mouth and close it. Open it again. Close it. Open. Close.

He gets up and starts pulling his clothes on. "Great, you don't love me back. Do you even like me?"

"I... what?" I finally find my voice. "Of course I like you!" I stumble to him, trying to make him look at me. He won't. "I just..."

"You just don't love me," he finishes for me and I feel a heavy lump in my throat. "I don't think I can do this."

"I... we've been together for only five months," I try, biting my lip. "Just give me some time." I don't want to lose him. I'll try. I'll fall in love with him in time, I'm sure of it. Why wouldn't I? He's a great guy, a great boyfriend.

He sighs, scratching his neck and looking at anywhere but me. "I don't know, Avery."

"Please," I plead, touching his cheek with my hand to make him look at me in the eyes. "I just need more time. Please." I can see the blue in his eyes softening as they search mine.

"Fine," he eventually says. "But I need some space right now," he says, removing my hand from his face and heading out the door, almost slamming it after him.

I stare at the closed door for I don't even know how long, just standing there waiting for him to come back. But he's not going to. I know I really hurt him. But I couldn't just lie to him, I won't. I sigh, my shoulders lumping as I turn around and crawl back into bed and under the covers. Why me?


I hear a soft knock on the door not an hour later, and yell a muffled "come in" from under the covers. The door opens and someone walks in.

"You okay?" Nate's voice asks. I pull back the covers and see him standing there holding a steaming mug of coffee, which he hands to me. "I saw Nick leaving. He seemed... upset."

"Thanks," I say as I sit up and take a sip. Ah, black, just like I love it. I can feel Nate's eyes on me, trying to detect what's wrong.

I avoid his eyes as I tell him, "He told me he loves me."

Understanding fills his eyes and he sits down next to me. "And you didn't say it back," he guesses.

I shake my head. "I couldn't."

"Well, everybody falls in love in their own time," he tells me, putting an arm around my shoulders and I lean into him. "Maybe you just need more time."

"That's what I told him."


"I think he's willing to give me a chance," I say, remembering his words. "but he also said he needs some space. From me." I feel my throat tighten up but hold back the tears. I don't cry over boys, not anymore, not after mom and dad.

"That's understandable," he tells me and I nod. I know.

"I just wish I loved him," I look at the ceiling. "I don't know why its so hard for me."

"I know," he massages my back in small circles with his thumb, "I know." We sit like that for a long time, neither of us speaking. It' comforting to just know he's here for me.


"He'll come around" Riley pats my back. We're sitting around in the living room, and I've just told my girlfriends what happened. I know the guys are with Nick, getting the scoop from him.

"I'm not so sure," I sigh, hugging a pillow tight against my chest. "I hurt him pretty bad."

"Well, it's his fault if he doesn't understand," Miranda reasons, bumping my shoulder with hers. "I mean, it hasn't been that long since..." she leaves the sentence hanging.

Stella nods, her gray eyes sympathetic. "It would be hard or anyone in your situation to let someone in like that. It's not your fault you're not there yet with him."

"I guess," I agree half-heartedly. I just cant get the image of him looking betrayed out of my head. "But, whatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let's do something fun."

"Ice-cream and a comedy?" Riley suggests.

We all nod and make our way to the kitchen. I dig out huge bowls and four big tubs of ice-cream from the freezer, and we all take big chunks of each flavor. Then we squirt chocolate sauce all over them. Yummy.

Nate and Landon come in when I'm putting the tubs away.

"So, a sugar-high in your plans for tonight?" Nate looks at our mountains of ice-cream amused.

"What else?" I grin, digging in a spoon and taking a taste of strawberry cheesecake. Ah, absolute heaven, I close my eyes.

"Someone's making their sex face" Landon laughs, and I peek at him.

"Yuck, what?" Nate pretends to gag.

I snort. "How would you know?" I ask the former.

"He doesn't. He just wishes he did" Stella giggles. I roll my eyes and push her lightly.

Nate covers his ears. "I don't want to hear!"

I chuckle. "Don't worry, brother, your disgusting pal isn't getting anywhere near me, ever."

Landon scoffs. "Like I'd want to."

"Sure you don't," I wink and push the girls out of the kitchen. I know he's never been interested in me like that but I do like messing with him. I would just love to hear what Nate's saying to his annoying friend right now.

My evening just got a whole lot better, I grin as I sit down on the couch.

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