Chapter 12

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A/N: Again, I pologize for not updating sooner... Anyways, the sidebar is a picture of a kiss you'll later read about in this chapter... More at the end. But the only thing different in the chapter is that the guy is holding the girl up with his hands, okay? Okay. Enjoy reading!

“Wait, so we get the night off!?” Liam exclaimed, his eyes livening as he spoke. It was the second week of camp with the campers there, and Liam had already had about enough of them. They were nice kids, sure, but they were a lot to handle.

“Yup,” Celine said, pulling the worn out Disney World hoodie over her head. They were currently in Celine’s cabin as she grabbed her sweater for the evening. Once a week, the counselors were allowed to do an “all-nighter” in the mess hall, playing cards, or just relaxing. Liam had offered to wait for her so that they would be able to go to the mess hall together. “Exciting, isn’t it?”

“Well, yeah!” Liam said, as if it was the easiest answer in the world. “That Jacob lad… He’s too much…”

Celine laughed out loud and opened the door to the cabin, exposing herself to the cold air of the night. The campers were all at the camp fire with the CIT’s and the rest of the staff, and they would be later brought to the cabins for lights out.

“Tell me a joke, Liam James,” Celine said, smiling ahead. Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

“Liam James?” he repeated.

“My brother’s name is James, your name is Liam, oh and your middle name’s James as well, am I correct?”

“Oh, yeah,” Liam said. “It’s just that no one’s ever called me that before, so…”

“I’ll just call you Liam,” Celine replied, looking at her feet as they walked up the trail. “Anyways, the joke?”

“Oh, right,” Liam said, fiddling with the pockets of his jumper. “I have one, but it’s a bit old and I think Louis’ used it one too many times.”

“Worth a shot.”

“Why’d the mushroom go to the party?”


“Because he was a fungi…” Liam said, raising his eyebrows. Celine wasn’t laughing at the joke, but she turned to look at Liam, who had this weird expression on his face. She could tell he was waiting for her to laugh, but he looked like he was half smiling, half frowning, and half confused at the same time. She laughed anyways, not at the joke, but at his priceless face. “Ooh, why didn’t the fungi have the party at his own house?”

“I dunno?”

“Because there wasn’t mushroom!” Liam exclaimed. “Get it? Much room? Mushroom?”

“I get it,” Celine said, understanding. Liam looked at her as she was facing forwards, examining half of her face. He could see that her pale cheeks were tinted a light pink from the cold, and the small black dots in her blue eyes were large as she looked around the night. He didn’t realize he was staring until he nearly tripped over a rock. “You okay, there?”

“Fine,” Liam muttered, brushing off his jeans where he had fallen on his knees. His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink and he hoped that Celine hadn’t seen him staring at her. They walked towards the mess hall in silence, Liam’s hands buried in his jean pockets and his eyes fixated on the ground as they walked.

“Ah! There you are, we saved some dessert,” Louis exclaimed, as they walked up the steps. He was dressed in an old pair of sweats and a jumper that Liam immediately recognized as Niall’s. It wasn’t until they were a few feet in front of Louis that they noticed he was chewing something. “There’s a few Jammie Dodgers left on the table, if Niall didn’t finish them.”

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