Chapter 10

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, school's killing me >.< Anyways, this chapter's a bit more action-packed. Next chapter's going to be REALLY action packed. As I was saying, this whole "sleep walking" scene happened to a boy in my friend's cabin. The CIT went berserk and shined a flashlight in his eyes, but the boy just STARED DIRECTLY AT THE LIGHT.  Like, he didn't blink... Creepy, right?

And secondly, I've heard the rumors and read those articles about the Pazyer split... I hope they didn't, Liam and Danielle make a really cute couple! Oh, and Liam buzzed his hair :( I hope he grows it back... *sigh* Picuture's in the sidebar :) Sorry for the long Author's Note!


“Louis! Louis!” the ten year old boy said, shaking his counselor’s shoulders. The whole cabin was awake, but they were all hiding under their sleeping bags in freight. Danny, the one shaking Louis’ shoulders, was the only one to volunteer and let their counselor know what was happening. Louis stirred for a moment and groaned, reaching for an invisible alarm clock in front of him. He pressed down on Danny’s head instead, furrowing his eyebrows and looking up when he felt the boy’s black hair in between his fingers. “Uh… What are you doing?”

“I… Uh…” Louis said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He grabbed the flashlight that was on the floor beside his bunk and turned it on, flashing it in Danny’s green eyes. The boy squinted and held his hands up to refrain from the light. “What’s going on? Why’re you awake?”

“It’s James!” Danny exclaimed, putting his hands over the light of the flashlight. “Now, will you put that damn thing down?”

“Language, Danny,” Louis reminded him, knowing he was a full on foul mouth himself. Lowering the flashlight, he said, “what’s wrong with James?”

“That’s the thing,” Eddy said from the bunk above Louis, in a whispered tone. “We don’t know.”

“Well, where is he?”

The faint rustling of James turning the doorknob was heard throughout the cabin, and small gasps were heard as the door opened, and the brown haired boy escaped through it. Louis shot out of bed and pulled on his shoes, not caring to put on a jacket.

“Marc, wake up,” Louis said, smacking the seventeen-year-old’s arm. He rubbed his blue eyes and sat up, confused. “Watch the kids, alright? We’ve got one on the loose.”


“Danny will explain, bye!” Louis said, sprinting out the door with his flashlight in front of him. “JAMES! James, where are you!?”


Jenny had been sleeping, but heard some yelling outside. She pulled the cover of the sleeping bag off of her, and mentally thanked herself for wearing a hoodie to bed that night from the cold. She tightened the pony tail that was a mess atop her head from being on her pillow, and tugged on the boots that lay beneath her bunk.

Grabbing the flashlight, she checked to make sure that everyone was asleep, and shook Bella awake. The blonde haired girl rubbed her eyes and sat up, squinting and struggling to keep her eyelids open.

“Jenny?” she said, seeing her fellow counselor’s familiar silhouette in front of her.

“Shh,” Jenny said, placing a finger to her lips. “I heard some yelling outside, watch the kids, alright?”

“A-Alright,” Bella said, more awake now. The thought of some yelling outside disturbed her, and she pulled her knees to her chest as Jenny walked out of the cabin.

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