The Dursleys

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When Percy and Harry Potter got to their aunt and uncle's house it was okay they would get them clothes and wouldn't hurt them didn't have them do chores either until Percy was five years old. They even had three year old Harry doing simple things around the house. That's when they started treating them like servants. And when Harry asked about their parents and where they got the scars on their faces he was told they were in a car accident. But when the Dursleys weren't around to hear Percy would tell Harry all about their parents and how they died. But Percy wasn't able to explain the identical scars. The only difference was that Harry's was on the left side on his face and Percy was on his right of his face.
Percy's and Harry's uncle Vernon wasn't that kindest person. So to keep his promise to his mom Percy had to make a deal with him that he wouldn't lay a finger on Harry and give him the easiest chores. And that he Percy would take all the beatings but not in front of Harry. Uncle Vernon agreed to this and so every night Percy would get punished for that days wrong doings for both Harry and himself. But Percy didn't wanting Harry to see this. So Percy would nurse his wounds and hide them from Harry.
When Percy told Harry that they were wizards because their parents were he got super excited. So when no one was around they practiced wand less magic. This proved a challenge for Harry but Percy was able to do it after a little while. He was able to do all kinds of things. They mainly involved water but it was still amazing. But uncle Vernon stumbled upon them doing magic and yelled at them. After words he locked them in their rooms for a week and he would stay in Percy's room for an hour each night. After that they didn't do it again until they were sure that all the Dursleys were asleep.

Harry's point of view

Harry got up early to make breakfast for the Dursleys. He made eggs, beacon, ham, sausage and coffee. And he made sure that everything was in the right place so uncle Vernon wouldn't yell at him or at Percy who was turning 11 today and Harry himself was turning 9 today as well. So when he finished he went back to his closet under the stairs and continued working on his gift to his older brother.
When Harry heard uncle Vernon was starting to stir he hurried into the kitchen to make sure everything was still warm and nothing was missing or out of place. And when he entered the kitchen he saw that Percy was already up and checking everything. He must of been working so hard he hadn't heard Percy coming down the stairs.
"Morning Percy, I didn't hear you coming down the stairs."
"Oh yeah I didn't want to bother you if you were still a sleep." Harry noticed that Percy was favoring his left side a little bit but didn't mention it. Once they made sure nothing was wrong or out of place Percy took some Ibuprofen. Just then Uncle Vernon entired the kitchen and sat down. He picked up the news paper that Harry had just placed there moments ago and started reading while he shoveled food into his mouth. And only grunted and them looking like they were homeless bums. Then came aunt Petunia who studied her kitchen and once she was sure that there was nothing to complain about she sat down and began to eat. Only saying her plate wasn't the same as her son's and husband's plate. Other than that it was quiet until the last person entered the kitchen bro eat breakfast.
After an hour and a half Dudley the Potter brothers cousin who was treated like a prince entired. And began to eat. Just then Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia finished eating and went into the living room. When they left the table Harry and Percy got their dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher. Dudley then finished having his third helping. While Dudley left to play with his friends Harry and Percy were cleaning the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. After that Percy mowed front and back, pulled weeds out of the ground and painted the fence front and back he did all of this in the morning. He then went and helped Harry who was mopping hard floors, cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming the carpets, washing uncle Vernon's car and planting the new flowers aunt Petunia got. Once they finished their morning chores they made lunch. Which consisted of ham sandwiches, fruit salad and tea. After everyone finished lunch Harry and Percy yet again rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
Percy then got started on cleaning the roof shingles, along with the gutters, then started painting the house which he finished in five hours. Then he helped Harry who needed to do all the laundry, clean the inside of uncle Vernon's car, take the trash out and when finished fold all of the laundry. When they were done with their chores they washed up and made dinner which was steaks, green beans and for drinks uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia had wine while Dudley had a coco. Once dinner was finished then Harry and Percy rinsed and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Once all the dishes were in the dishwasher they started it They were finally done for the day so Harry and Percy returned to their rooms to relax until tomorrow. When it would all start over with new chores. Harry was now finally finished his present to Percy. He went up and gave Percy his present. While he was up there Harry got his present from Percy which was a chocolate bar. Just then there was a knock at the door. Percy went to answer it before uncle Vernon yelled at them.
Before we see who is at the door lets go to Percy and see what has been going on during the week before today.

Percy's Point of View

During the week I have been watching Harry to make sure he did everything correctly because uncle Vernon has been becoming harsher. So with me doing my chores and helping Harry do his chores I haven't really noticed anything strange. It has been cook, clean, cook, clean, cook, bath and bed. That has been my routine. For a really long time.
But there is this cat that stares at me when I am in my room. The cat is there when I get in my room at around 6:57 pm and there when I go to bed at 8:48 pm. And it stares at me. It has been there for over a week. The cat is a silver tabby cat with lines on its face that resemble glasses. And today is me and Harry's birthday.

Which I wasn't expecting anything to happen besides what usually going on in this house. I would give Harry his present at the end of the day which was a chocolate bar. I bought it with the little bit of money I was able to swipe from uncle Vernon.
When Harry gave me his gift which was a picture frame he made himself with a picture of us together and smiling at the zoo on Dudley's birthday. So when I answered the door and saw a huge man with a large and tangled beard and hair, a women with a tight bun wearing speticals and a man who had a few white strands in his blond hair with scars on his face.
I just stared at them I recognized the women and large man from the night my parents were murdered but the other man I didn't so who he was. And what were they doing here and why?

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