"I'm Jungkook. A friend of his."

"I see, please have a seat. I'll go get him. Would you like to have a drink?" Junsu offered.

Jungkook shook his head. "No. But thanks for the offer." He bowed politely.

Junsu immediately ran back to the kitchen and informed Jin. The raven was taken by surprise upon hearing the name. He walked out of the kitchen hesitantly towards the dining area, to where Jungkook was sitting. Both Jaejoong and Junsu ran towards the kitchen window to peek.


Jungkook stood up and approached Jin with a his big bunny smile, he unconsciously made a head-scratching gesture. One of his habit when he's shy and nervous. And Jin finds it cute. "Seokjin-ssi." 

Back at the kitchen both Jaejoong and Junsu was trying so hard to eavesdrop the conversation. It doesn't take long until Jin ran back to the kitchen.

"Appa, hyung, I'll be going out for a bit. I'm sorry if I can't help you both closing the bistro." Jin glanced at his appa with an apologetic look.

Junsu frowned. "Jinnie. Your date is right outside but you have no intention of introducing him to your appa?"

Before Jin could reply, Junsu dragged Jaejoong's wrist, pulling the eldest to where Jungkook was waiting. Jin ran towards the two and a confused looking Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ssi, this is my appa, Jaejoong. Appa, this is Jungkook...a..." Jin stopped mid-sentence. He doesn't know how to address Jungkook, is he a friend? a colleague? a potential-new-boss?

As if on cue, Jungkook smiled widely at the eldest, giving a deep bow. "Hello Mr.Kim. My name is Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you. Jin have been talking about you a lot. All the good things of course. And you look more like his brother than his appa."

Jin looked back at Jungkook giving him a questioning look, silently mouthing 'Since when??' the bunny-like man.

"Hello Jungkook, thanks for the compliments. Nice to finally meet you in person. Our Jinnie have been talking a lot about you too." Jaejoong smiled. He could sense Jin's glaring at him.

'What the...? Why is everyone making up stories?' Jin mumbled internally, he was dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim, but if you don't mind, I would like to take Jin out for a while." Jungkook spoke so softly and politely.

"Yes of course son." Jaejoong replied, giving out one of the biggest smile Jin had ever seen since a long time.

Jungkook placed his hand on Jin's shoulder. "I'll be waiting outside." He then bowed one last time before exiting the bistro.

Jin quickly took off his apron and was about to run out but Jaejoong held his arm. The blonde smiled as he brushes off flour stain on Jin's t-shirt and fixed the younger's hair. "Have fun son."

Both Jungkook and Jin entered the blue BMW. "Jungkook-ssi..why did you lie?" was the first thing Jin said once the doors are closed.

Jungkook's eyes stayed on the road ahead of him as the car glides through an empty road. It was a little over ten thirty in the evening, no congestion except for red lights. 

 "Jin-ssi, that's not a lie." Jungkook knew what Jin was referring to.

"How is it not a lie, if I never even said that to begin with?" Jin turned his head to glare at Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled. "My dear, I bet if I'm your boyfriend, you will definitely do it, won't you?"

"What do you mean? Do what?" Jin was starting to lose his patience.

"Talk good things about your appa."

"Yes. But..."

"Does that mean you agreed to be my boyfriend?" Jungkook stopped the car after passing by the Banpo bridge, right by the Han riverside where the rainbow fountain was clearly visible from his parking spot. He looked back at the raven beside him.

"I didn't say that. What I'm saying is that I would definitely say good thing about appa to whoever my boyfriend is."

"So you like guys?" Jungkook smirked.

"What? I didn't say..."

"You said 'whoever my boyfriend is'" Jungkook leaned slightly closer to the distressed raven.

"Jesus Jungkook-ssi, you're making me confuse with your word play, and stop putting words in my mouth."

Jungkook smiled and cupped Jin's face, leaning down, "How about if I put something else on your mouth?" Not giving a chance for Jin to respond, he softly place his lips on Jin's plump-red ones. Jin was caught off guard, his eyes widen, his lips were stiff. Jungkook , brushing his nose on Jin's. He stared back at the glowing orb in the darkness, Jin's blushed face lit up into colors beaming from the rainbow fountain. "You're so cute, you know that?"


Jin's words were cut off by Jungkook lips once again. But this time, Jin's eyes were shut. Jungkook is now a hundred percent sure that Jin have never kissed before. He brushes his tongue on Jin's lips, gently parting it, asking for entrance. Jin was quick to grasp onto the pattern and technique as he too started to explore Jungkook.

As much as Jungkook wanted to continue, he knew he had to stop as he could feel his bulge starting to formed under his tight jeans. Both parted, gasping for air. Jungkook caresses, the raven strands. "Now tell me Kim Seokjin-ssi, are you still confused?"

He was no longer confused, nor did he remember to ask why Jungkook came to see him that night. Things just happened to fast.


Author's Note:

Hello again!

Another weak update from me, I just realized how bad I am in writing kissing scene. (v.v) I'm trying to speed up the story, afraid readers are starting to get bored with too much mushy and fluff stuff. I promise next chapter will start inclining towards the climax (story climax peeps! not 'that' climax you pervy people! lol) 

Also, the Corona Virus Outbreak's been spreading like wild fire in Asia region. Please take care dear readers. Here are some tips to avoid the virus:

-Wear 3ply mask everywhere you go. 

-Wash your hands with antiseptic before meals and touching you face. 

-Bring hand sanitizer everywhere you go. 

STAY SAFE guys! Til next chap!

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