Steven x Connie

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Wanna Dance?

~ requested by MionaStajkovic ~

Steven's POV:

I ran around my bedroom in a blind panic. I couldn’t find my new suit anywhere, and I was supposed to pick up Connie in an hour! I groaned as I continued looking around, not noticing the Gems standing in the doorway. I banged my head against the wall, hearing Amethyst chuckling behind me.

I looked over at her, noticing that Garnet was holding my suit out, motioning for me to grab it. I quickly snatched my suit and pushed the gems out of the room so I could change. I quickly put on my suit, heading out as I tied my bowtie around my neck. “Thanks, Garnet.” she nodded as Pearl messed with my hair and Amethyst took a couple of pictures.

“Steven, you look amazing! Are you excited?” Pearl inquired

“Yeah Ste-man! You are gonna ROCK that dance!” Amethyst exclaimed.

“You look good Steven,” Garnet said.

I smiled at the 3 gems as I responded to Pearl’s earlier question. “I’m excited, but I’m also nervous as heck.”

“You’ll be fine, dude! Just be yourself! Now go pick up Connie!” Amethyst started pushing me out the door in a hurried fashion. Once the door closed behind me, I headed down to the Dondike, starting it up and driving towards Connie’s house.

I arrived at her house faster than expected, my nervousness becoming increasingly obvious as I walked up to the front door. I knocked and stuck my hands in my pockets as the door opened a couple of seconds later. I smiled as Mr. Maheswaran greeted me, motioning me inside. “Steven, it’s nice to see you, Connie will be here in a minute I presume. Now then, don’t do anything to my daughter: at all. Understood, Universe?” He ‘greeted’.

A bead of sweat ran down my face. “Of course, Mr. Maheswaran. Clear as crystal, sir” I nervously smiled, scratching the back of my neck as he nodded in approval. I heard the sound of footsteps from upstairs, causing me to tense up in anxiety. I looked over at the staircase, seeing Connie come into view.

She was wearing a beautiful dress that went below her knees a bit. It was a nice teal-aqua color with some white embroidery around the waist, neckline, and hemming. The bottom of the dress was puffed out a bit and layers of white fabric could be seen underneath. She was wearing matching flats and a beautiful flower crown that tied together the whole outfit nicely.

    I smiled as she stood in front of me, seeing her smiling back to me. “You look stunning, Connie. You outshine the galaxy itself.” A light blush dusted her cheeks, making my eyes soften even further.

    “You look very handsome in that suit. Real classy” She joked lightly. We laughed and posed for some pictures by Mrs. Maheswaran’s request. Connie hugged both of her parents and met me at the door. I led her outside and opened the car door for her, closing it behind her after she was settled in her seat.

 We made some small talk as I drove us to her school. We eventually arrived and I parked the car, stepping out along with Connie. I locked the car door behind me as I inhaled the late evening air. I turned and faced Connie, a grin gracing my features. “Do you need an escort, M’lady?” I held my arm out to her, a playful glint flashing in my eyes. She took my arm and we started to walk towards the front doors of her school. 

“Why, thank you kind sir.” We laughed and entered the school. The hallway was rather plain, save for a few couples making out, which we proceeded to make fun of. We entered what seemed to be the cafeteria, loud music playing through speakers surrounding the room. Lots of people danced in the middle of the room with a couple of people stationed by the snack table in the back.

We shared a look and hurried to the snack table. Once there, we grabbed some punch and shared some chips while chatting on the sidelines. Our conversation led to a book we had both read recently, discussing our favorite parts, and the worst parts. Once we finished eating, we stood there for a minute, silently. A light blush dusted my cheeks as I held my hand out to her.

“Wanna dance, Connie?” My hand was lightly shaking as she gently grabbed it.

“Of course I would, Steven.” She smiled wide and pulled me to the dance floor. We started dancing with the other teens, laughing and smiling happily. The song changed into a slow song, a bead of sweat ran down my face as I softly took her hands in mine.

“May I have this dance?” She smiled and nodded, a blush dusting both of our cheeks. We slowly swayed with the music, looking into each other’s eyes. ‘Now is the time to confess your feelings!’ I told myself.

“Hey…..Connie? I um….. I have something to tell you….” I looked to the side and she raised an eyebrow in question.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Well….um….I-I like you…. Like, a lot. M-more than in a friend t-type of way…..” We both blushed heavily as we avoided each other’s gaze.

“I-I like you too…” she responded. I looked up in surprise and hugged her tightly. I pulled away after a bit and cupped her cheek, looking into her eyes. I proceeded to gently kiss her, pulling away almost too quickly.

“Wanna go on a date?” I asked.

“I’d love to Steven.” We smiled at each other softly and continued to dance throughout the night.


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