Little Larimar x Sick! Reader

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Sick Laughter

~ Requested by Thegalpal ~

Your POV:

I coughed loudly, holding my hand up to my mouth as to not spread anything. I groaned in slight pain as my throat suffered more torture. I started reaching into my bag to grab some lozenges. I quietly dug through my bag as Amethyst was teaching the class at little homeschool.

I soon realized that I was out of lozenges so I sighed. I walked up to Amethyst, telling her that I needed to buy some more lozenges, reassuring her that I would be back in time to teach my section of the class. She nodded and motioned for me to go.

I quietly walked away and headed towards the nearest Walgreens. I quietly walked in and headed towards the correct section, stumbling across Little Larimar.

"Hey Larimar, what are you doing here?" I asked quietly. My voice was a bit rough and scratchy as I talked, which I realized she definitely noticed.

"I wanted to explore Beach City more. I wanted to hear more laughter." She replied. I nodded as I listened. I grabbed my favorite flavor of lozenges and set them in the basket I had grabbed.

"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be at little homeschool." She asked. I sighed, thinking about how to explain sickness to her. I was quiet for a minute as I thought. "Well,  I happen to be sick unfortunately."

I started going into a different isle, trying to find some basic medicine as well as some tea. She followed me after asking what 'sick' was.

I started to explain. "Well sickness, or illness, is something that happens to earth life. Sick is the less formal of the two words, but it usually describes short-term diseases or ailments. Like the flu. It is commonly used to refer to a feeling of nausea. A person who is affected with a minor fever or cold can also be called ill. Like sick, ill also refers to a feeling of nausea." I explained. She nodded as she took I  the information.

"So, you're defective? " She asked. I shrugged, and started to explain once again.

"Not exactly. This sickness I'm going through will pass with time, but there are certain sicknesses that we can't cure, like cancer." I replied. She nodded again, seeming like she understood.

I finished getting my stuff and headed to the register. It was a quick process and I was out the door with Larimar and walking back to little homeschool.

"I heard that jokes make people feel better. Can I tell you a joke? " She asked. I smiled and nodded. She cleared her throat and prepared. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" I smirked, realizing she was taking the joke class that Peridot hosted every once and a while.

"I don't know. Why did the chicken cross the road?" I replied. I was smiling as I looked down at the short gem.

"To get to the other side! " She finished, smiling. I laughed at her excitement, which made her smile widen even further. "Your laugh is very pretty. It's better than all the other laughs and screams." She complimented.

I smiled as we arrived to little homeschool. "Thank you for the company Larimar, we should hang out after class. You telling me jokes will definitely make me get better faster." I waved as I headed back to class and Larimar waved back.

"She's adorable." I muttered.



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