"I'm scared, Mike.", she said softly before he grabbed her shoulders.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. We're gonna figure this out. Together. All right? No one here is abandoning you, Siobhan.", Mon said and she nodded but then a sharp ringing started in her head, making her ache. "Whoa, easy. Hey-", Mon started to say but Siobhan continued to gasp in pain as the ringing went on. Then suddenly it stopped and Siobhan looked in a trance. "Are you all right?", Mon asked.

"I need to go.", Siobhan said.

"Okay, let's get you back to Dr. Hamilton.", Mon said.

"I said I need to go.", she said before walking away.

But before Siobhan could leave the DEO, she came up behind Lucy talking to a cell member. "Five people were rushed to the hospital last night. All suffering from electrical imbalances in the brain. Is there anything you wanna tell me?", Lucy asked then, then it was revealed that she was interrogating Livewire.

"Yeah. The food here sucks.", she said.

"You're the only person we know with the ability to cause electrical phenomena of this magnitude. How did you do it?", Lucy asked.

"I'm flattered you think I'm behind it, but I've got bigger brains to fry. Like Cat Grant's. Supergirl's. and The Blurr's.  And when I get out of here, you're all gonna pay.", Livewire said before using her powers on the walls but nothing happened.


Iris, Kara & Cat were all in her office as Kara opened a box of very decorated cupcakes. "Aren't they exquisite?", Cat asked.

"Yes, they look very yummy.", Kara said and Cat looked at them, especially Kara, and she wanted to use the cupcakes as a love metaphor.

"I can see it in your eyes, Kara, that you want one. But you're too scared. So instead, you gaze longingly from a safe distance, wishing that you had one all of your own. Well, let me tell you, cupcakes like these, they don't last. They get snatched up and devoured. And if you don't act fast, so will he.", Cat said and the girls knew what she was referring to now and Iris started chuckling.

"Ooo. She played you.", Iris said.

"Guys-", Kara said before chuckling.

"Kara, if you haven't caught on by now, I'm trying to make a parallel between this box of cupcakes and your nonexistent love life.", Cat said.

"I'm not that comfortable talking about this with you.", Kara said and both Cat & Iris rolled their eyes. "But if I did, what am I supposed to do? I told Barry how I feel..kinda..I didn't tell him how I really feel, but all he did was hug me. But, what is that? Him not realizing what I admitted or him finding an excuse to not admit it?", Kara said.

"If you want Barry, you are going to have to make a power move.", Cat said and Iris started to add into it.

"Make yourself unavailable.", Iris said.

"Make him jealous. If you must, read my 1998 guide to finding love entitled The Lighthouse Technique.", Cat said.

"Exactly. Shine your light, and let him come to you.", Iris said.

"And before you know it, he'll be docked in your port. It's not my best work, but it did get me a spot on Oprah.", Cat said.

"So the best way to go after Barry is not go after him at all?", Kara asked.

"Exactly.", Iris said.

"Try less.", Cat said.

"Shine more.", Iris said then they both smiled at Kara. Then Kara tried to take a cupcake but Cat grabbed her wrist. "These are mine.", Cat said and Kara backed off.

A Couple Hours Later

Siobhan showed up with anger in her eyes. Mon saw her get off the elevator and quickly ran up to her. "Hey. Um What are you doing here? Uh, gentle reminder, you were banned from the building. If Cat sees you she's gonna call security. Or worse, she's gonna get a restraining order. That's like her favorite thing to get people.", Mon said but Siobhan didn't listen. She turned the corner and faced Iris but it was obvious she was looking for Kara.

"Iria. Call security. I haven't seen eyes that crazy since I had fondue with Ramona Singer.", Cat said and Iris sighed.

"Siobhan, I'm sorry, you can't be here.", Iris said as Kara stood up from her desk. She quickly ran over to Iris and stood in front of her.

"You. You ruined my life, Kara Danvers.", Siobhan said before she started to use the high-pitched scream on Kara but before Kara fell through the window, she pushed Iris to the side. "Kara!", Iris exclaimed.

Right as Kara was flying down to the ground, a portal appeared and out came a man. But it wasn't what you would expect. He was shooting webs. He saw Kara was flying down from a building and immediately webbed himself to her and pulled her to him, holding her bridal-style. Then suddenly they were both flying, super fast and before he knew it, they were in the middle of no where. He was beyond confused but Kara was awake now, and her shirt was on fire. "You're on fire!", he exclaimed and was about to put them out when he realized it was in the chest area. "I- Nope.", he said, immediately, backing off. But that was when he had the chance to take a good look at her. The blonde hair, the geeky but stylish clothes and the blue eyes. She reminded him of someone. "Wait. Emma?", he asked and she looked at him weird.

"Who?", Kara asked then realized she was on fire. She used her hands to put the fire out, so casually.

"I'm- You don't seem that bothered by the fact that you're on fire.", he said.

"I didn't need you to save me.", Kara said and then he started to chuckle awkwardly.

"You just fell from a skyscraper. So if I hadn't been there, you would have gone splat.", he said, even though he was still confused how they got to the middle no where.

"I have to get back to the city.", Kara said.

"Okay-", he started to say but then Kara flew up and her clothes landed on him. Now he was even more confused. "What the what- That's a new one.", he said before he webbed onto her, so he could get back to the city as well. Kara then looked down and saw the guy was sticking onto her with some type of spider web? She looked confused but that was when she quickly landed, facing him, and took the web off of her. "How did you..how did you do that?", he asked and Kara was taken back.

"I'm Supergirl.", she said and he looked at her weird.

"You're who now?", he asked and Kara started to smile awkwardly.

"Okay. You even have her smile. Are you related to anyone named Emma?", he asked and Kara blinked in confusion.

"Sorry. I'm just a little disoriented from the scream. How did you save me?", Kara asked.

"You fell out of a window and I caught you and swung you away but..I think..maybe you flew us out here..which is a relief..because I thought something weirder happened.", he rambled.

"Yes. Yes. But. Who are you?", Kara asked and he was taken back, confused how she didn't know who he was.

"I'm...Spider-Man.", he said. "What man? Wait. You look pretty young. How are you even a hero?", Kara asked.

"Wait. Do you not know how I am? I mean, I kinda saved the entire universe. With the help of the avengers but, you really don't..know?", he asked.

"Should I?", Kara asked and he thought he was going crazy.

"What about iron man?", he asked and Kara didn't know who that was.

"Captain America?"





Kara just shrugged her shoulders with confusion. "Sorry.", she said. "Oh heck. Not as sorry as I am.", he said before his helmet automatically came off. "Hey. Um. I'm Peter..Peter Parker. And I didn't think it was possible but I think I might be in the wrong multiverse. And I need your help.", Peter said and Kara crossed her arms and stared at him.

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