"What is it?" Tori turned to André.

"Fake fighting that looks real, like for a play or a movie," André explained.

"Blake and I took a class with him last summer," Beck further explained.

"Well, it looked like he was hurting you," Tori said innocently.

"Why do you care?" Jade raised an eyebrow.

 "Cause I figure, he already suffers enough pain dating you," Tori smiled.

"You wanna see pain?" Jade angrily took a step forward.

"Hey, why don't we go sit over there?" Beck stopped Jade from doing anything and pointed to two chairs.

They silently sat there.

Tori took André and Blake to the side.

"Why does she hate me?" Tori asked them.

"Maybe she heard you play the french horn," André joked.

"Are you forgetting that you kissed my brother, her boyfriend on your second day of school?" Blake asked.

"She spilled coffee on me first. I was getting even," Tori argued.

"Jade doesn't get even. She wins," Blake told her and went to sit next to Jade.

Russ was teaching the class stage fighting while Cat was with him as a volunteer.

Russ and Cat stood on center stage.

"Now, if I throw a punch at Cat, like this-" Russ threw a punch but missed Cat's face. That did not stop Cat from gasping.

"It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face," Russ added.

"Thank you," Cat smiled.

Russ looked at her confused.

"But if we stage it from a different angle, then-" Russ said as he and Cat stood from a different angle.

"Like I showed you?" Russ asked Cat.

Cat nodded.

"Sound effect, ready?" Russ asked the tech guy.

"All set," The guy told him.

"To the audience or camera, it'll look like this," Russ threw a fake punch but this time it looked and sounded real.

Cat acted hurt and covered her face.

"I'm okay, everyone," Cat smiled after she removed her hands.

The class clapped.

"All right, I'm gonna pair you guys up, and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene," The teacher told the class.

"I thought his name was Steve," André spoke up.

"He does look like a Steve," Tori nodded.

The whole class slowly began to agree and discuss the matter.

"My name is Russ!" Russ shouted

"Okay, and on Friday, You will all perform your fight scenes here in front of the class. Now, the pairs will be Beck and Cat-"

Beck and Cat smiled at each other.

"André and Blake."

André and Blake smiled at each other.

"Darren and Jess, Tori and Jade-"

"Tori and who?" Tori cut off the teacher.

Jade smirked at her.

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