Stage Fighting

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The class was about to begin and the teacher brought everyone into The Black Box Theatre only to see Tori on top of Russ, the stage fighter and attacking him

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The class was about to begin and the teacher brought everyone into The Black Box Theatre only to see Tori on top of Russ, the stage fighter and attacking him.

Blake immediately started laughing because seeing someone as petite and friendly as Tori on top of a tough guy such as Russ was hilarious. Jade also smirked while everyone else was shocked.

"What are you doing?!" The teacher yelled.

"Get off of me!" Russ yelled at Tori as he tried to get her off of him.

Tori didn't.

"Who is this chick?!" Russ yelled.

The teacher yanked Tori off of Russ and separated the two.

Everyone got quiet.

"Relax, relax, relax," The teacher told them both.

"Yo, yo, come on!" Russ yelled annoyed.

"What are you doing?" The teacher asked Tori.

"That guy was beating up Beck," Tori tried to reason.

Blake started laughing once again.

"Oh, you poor thing," Jade smirked.

"We were practicing. This is Russ," Beck told Tori.

"I'm Russ!" Russ yelled annoyed.

"Sup Russ," Blake nodded at him.

"Blake," Russ nodded.

They high fived. 

"Blake you know this guy?" Tori asked shocked.

"Blake you know this chick?" Russ asked shocked.

Blake decided to answer Russ.

"Yeah, she's new, doesn't know much," Blake told him.

"He's a professional stuntman. I invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting," The teacher explained.

"And now, Tori says, 'What's stage fighting?' " Jade said in a mocking tone.

"I wasn't gonna say that," Tori scoffed but then turned to André.

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