Chapter Eighteen: The Ball

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Lily's PoV:

While Euphimia and Fleamont were greeting guests, we were instructed to come down to a small room outside of the ballroom, the literal ballroom, to wait to be announced. Marlene and I walked down precisely when we were told and saw the boys, who were surprisingly early, waiting for us inside. (Remus was with Mary, inside already). James and Sirius turned around when they heard us come in. They gawked at us as we walked over to them. James looked really good. His hair was messy, but it looked extremely attractive with his navy blue dress robes. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"You look really beautiful, Lily," James said.

"You look really handsome, James," I said. We smiled at each other and he pecked my lips.

"Ugh, you're going to be doing that all evening!" Sirius complained.

"Padfoot, you and Marlene will be too," James replied.

"That's going to be hard with-"

"We are pleased to introduce to you or sons, James and Sirius Potter, and their girlfriends, Lily Evans and Marlene Mickinnon," Fleamont said. The doors in front of us swung open. James and I linked arms, as did Sirius and Marlene, and we walked into the room together. The room filled with polite applause and I smiled at the fact that Fleamont and Euphimia refer to Sirius as their son. We had bonded over shared family problems back in sixth year, which was nice. If Walpurga or Orion Black happened to be here, though, James would have to hold me back from beating the living shite out of them.

The band started to play a soft waltz. It was quite beautiful. "May I have this dance?" I turned and saw James bowing and smirking up at me. I smirked back.

"But of course." I took his hands in mine and we walked out to the dance floor. We waltzed to the music for a little while. My head was resting on James's shoulder and he hummed the song quietly as we danced.

"Lily," I removed my head from his shoulder and looked at him, "you are so beautiful and I love you so much. Don't forget that," he said.

"I love you too, James. Even though it took me a couple of years to admit it," I replied.

We took a tiny step closer to each other and James dipped his head to my level and kissed me. I kissed back, moving my hands so that they were both around his neck. One of his hands cupped the side of my face like I was made of china and the other gently held my waist. We pulled back and rested our foreheads together. We got right back to waltzing. James spun me and dipped me, pecking my lips and smirking when I laughed. The song ended.

Then, James lead me over to a couple of middle aged wizards and witches he said his parents told him to talk to. He engaged in polite conversation with them, while I just smiled, nodded along, and laughed when it was appropriate. It was all rather boring and I felt so self conscious whenever blood status topics came about. We left the group after what seemed like forever and went to find Sirius and Marlene, who had been swept away by people to chat just like we had. We found them talking to Remus and Mary.

"-and then we started filming them. I swear they are the world's funniest drunks-"

"Hey! I don't even remember what happened when Sirius and I were drunk!" James complained.

"Nice of you two to finally show up. Where were y- never mind. I don't want to know," Sirius said. I smacked his arm.

"Oh no. We are not doing that again," Remus said. Sirius and I rolled our eyes and nudged each other.

"Lily Lily Lily! We've missed you so much!" I turned around and saw two little girls, one in a pink dress and the other in a purple one, hugging my legs.

Until The Very EndOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz