Chapter Eight: Hogsmeade

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Lily's PoV:

Two weeks had passed since James had won the Quidditch match and I had given him a kiss on the cheek. In those two weeks, James had given me the piggyback rides that I was promised. It was wonderful. Lots of girls asked James to Hogsmeade, but he declined, saying that he was already going with me. This, of course, made a lot of the girls at Hogwarts mad at. me. I didn't care. If they did something that I really didn't like (i.e. try to hex/jinx me) then I'd pull small pranks. I know, I know; Lily Evans doesn't break rules. See the thing is, that's what I want everyone to think. I've been pulling little pranks on people, including the Marauders, since first year. Sometimes, I could convince the professors to help out a bit.

All of this aside, today was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. This was the trip I was going on with James. I woke up in my bed to pounding on my door. I groaned and went to get it, expecting James or Sirius to pester me about getting ready as fast as possible.

"James, Sirius, I've told you a million times, stop trying to break down my door!" I said as I closed my eyes and stretched.

"We aren't James or Sirius. We are your best friends who are here for the soul purpose of getting ready for our dates together." I opened my eyes and saw Alice and Marlene standing in front of me holding bags that I assume had their clothes and makeup.

"Sorry, girls. I thought you were someone else..." I said as I let them into my room.

"Clearly. Now, we all need to take showers and get ready. Hurry up!" Marlene ordered once she and Alice had set their stuff down.

"I'll go first," I called as I changed out of my pajamas and into my navy blue, silk bathrobe. It was short and had a cursive "L" on it in gold thread. I saved up for ages to buy it. I walked into the washroom and saw James wearing nothing but pants. Quidditch had really treated him well. He was very toned, even had a six pack. You could see his v-line. James Potter was hot.

"Like what you see, Evans?" James jokingly asked.

"Haha James. As a matter of fact I do," I said with sass. Might as well own up to it. I knew I was blushing, but when I said that, James instantly turned as red as my hair. His eyes traveled down to my legs. "Like what you see, Potter?" I teased back.

"Umm, uh, yeah I do," he mumbled as his face turned an even darker shade of red. This time, mine did the same. The confidence from earlier had drained from my body.

"I need to hop in the shower, so if you need to do anything, do it now," I stated.

"I was just about to leave. I had to do my hair." With that, James left. He did send a little wink my way before the door to his room closed. His confidence had returned just as quickly as it had left.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples with my fingers. I drew myself a shower and did what I needed to do before throwing my hair up into my hair towel and putting on my robe. I walked back into my room and sat on the bed, talking to each of the girls when the other was in the shower.

"Okay, now that that's done, let's start getting ready," Marlene suggested.

"Let's start with you, Mars," Alice said. Alice and I then got to work. We pulled out Marlene's outfit and had her get dressed. It was mid October so it was chillier than before. Marlene wore a pair of black leggings with a dark red and gold Gryffindor t-shirt and her leather jacket. We straightened her medium length, brown hair and did some natural makeup with a dark red lip.

"Okay, my turn!" Alice exclaimed. We loosely curled Alice's short, dark blonde hair. We then put her in a cream, long sleeved, flowy v-neck t-shirt. We wrapped a Gryffindor scarf around her neck. We gave her some dark washed jeans and some brown and cream Ugg boots with buttons on the side. We did all natural makeup on her with a light pink lip.

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