Chapter One: Friends?

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  Lily's PoV:    

"Are you ready to go, Flower?"my dad called through my bedroom door.

"Give me five minutes, Dad," I yelled back.

"Okay, but we have to leave soon. We're stopping for breakfast on the way there so don't worry about that, alright?" Mum adds.

"Sounds good!" I replied.

I rolled out of bed and walk over to my closet. It was a brisk September 1st- around fifteen degrees celcius- so I put on some straight leg jeans with frayed ends, a mustard yellow long sleeved shirt with cream flowers, and my brown Birkenstocks. I quickly went across the hall to the washroom that Petunia and I shared. Thankfully, it was empty. I brushed out my wavy, auburn hair and twisted it into a low bun. I held it in place with my wand. 

I decided to put on a little bit of makeup to feel more confident. It wasn't crazy or anything- just concealer where I thought I needed it, a little bit of cream rouge, some highlighter, I filled in my brows, put on some clear mascara, and put on a pinkish lip stain to make my lips stand out more. Yes a stain and not a gloss or lipstick- liquid or otherwise. I just wanted to make them pop a little bit, not lose their natural hue entirely. After declaring myself to be presentable, I left the washroom to organize some school stuff.

I grabbed my satchel and put all of my books in it: Standard Book of Spells Year 7, Advanced Potions Year 7, Book of Ancient Runes, Defensive Spells for the Witch or Wizard, Hogwarts: A History, ect. I also grabbed some muggle books that I had just gotten (for entertainment purposes). I put my satchel over my shoulder and went downstairs.

"Hey Mum. Hey Dad. You guys ready to go?" I asked.

"Yup! Dad put your stuff in the car already. Athena's in the backseat and you can give her some treats on the way to breakfast," Mum explained. 

Athena was my Short-Eared Owl. I fell in love with her at a pet shop in Diagon Alley when I first found out I was a witch. She was absolutely stunning. I loved her so much. She still felt like one of the coolest things in the wizarding world (to me, anyway). Athena was pretty affectionate with me and my friends, but if she didn't like somebody, they'd know. She'd nip them... a lot. 

"Thanks," I said as I climbed into the backseat of the car. "So, where are we getting breakfast?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As I ran through the barrier with my trunk and owl on a cart, parents in toe, I began to feel more excitement for the upcoming school year than before. This was my 7th and final year at Hogwarts and I was Head Girl. I didn't know who the Head Boy was but, I really hoped it was my friend Remus. He was a prefect with me last year and he totally deserved the position.

"LILYKINS!!!" I heard someone scream as I stepped onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. I knew who it was immediately: Sirius Black. He ran at me and picked me up. He draped me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I tried to hide a smile and conceal a laugh but failed miserably.

"Black!" I giggled. "Put me down or I'll hex you into the next century!"

"Alright, alright. Just saying hullo," he said with fake exasperation.

"Who is this young man, Flower?" Dad inquired. Then he narrowed his eyes. "A boyfriend?"

Black started to laugh uncontrollably. "Me? With Lilykins?" More laughter. "Sir, there's a lot of boys at school who have an eye on your daughter. I am not one of them. My best friend's been chasing her for years! Ah, here he comes now," Sirius finished smirking. I smacked my hand against my forehead. The two gits probably planned to meet me like this.

Until The Very EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang