Oh, I hope it's not broken

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Prompt: (insert character) Rose (insert action) punched (insert character) Judith (insert motive) because she thinks it's funny.

Relationships: Judith/Alan (past), Rose/Alan (platonic)

Time: season 3-4 ish

A/N: I noticed that I tend to make Rose the villain in my stories, so here's her being a sweet friend. It's short, but I like it.

     Judith knocks on the door and Rose answers,

     "Hello Rose. Jake, go inside," she ushers her son through the door and he runs to the TV, "Where is Alan? We agreed that he'd take Jake to a birthday party as soon as I dropped him off."

     "Oh, so that's why he was wearing a shirt with no stains," Rose comments.

     "Oh, this is just like him. Never mind that she had an agreement. No, I'm sure what he's doing right now is infinitely more important than his only son!"

     "Alan collapsed and was rushed to the hospital," Rose gives Judith a look that could make a corpse wither, "and you know how much he loves that kid."

     Judith's scowl falters, "Okay, I'm sorry. I guess I can take Jake to the party."

     "Don't worry, I'll take him. I wouldn't want to disrupt your busy schedule," Rose smiles and goes to close the door, but Judith blocks her.

     "Wait, what is that supposed to mean?"

     Rose's sweet smile is replaced by a small frown, and she heaves a sigh, "I didn't mean anything per say. It's just, you just found out the father of your child is in the hospital, and you don't even care if he's okay. You act like bringing your own child to a party is some huge favour, and like Alan owes you big time for being unconscious. My guess is that the stress got to him, and you're the cause of almost all of his stress."

     Judith takes a step closer to Rose, pointing a finger at her chest, "How dare you imply that this is my fault! My relationship with Alan is none of your business! Neither is mine with my son. You're just some floozy who slept with his brother once, and won't let it go!"

     Rose makes a, "hm" noise and shifts her weight from one foot to the other, and back again. Finally, her face sets into a look of determination, and she socks Judith in the face.

     Judith recoils from the impact, stumbles, and falls backward. The bush cushions her fall, but the thorns dig into her. She looks up to see Rose laughing like she just witnessed the invention of comedy. She's hunched over, laughing so hard she can hardly keep herself upright. She calms down enough to look up at Judith, wink, and slam the door shut. The sound of laughter starts up again from the other side.

     Judith brings her hands to her face, and sees blood when she looks at them again. She struggles out of the bush, and runs as far from the house as she can.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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