I have some feelings about someone

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A/N: Quick note, this story belongs to tigra.grece on fanfiction.net. the whole story is written by her and it was written in French. I was curious as to what it said so, I translated it in google translate and thought I'd share it here. full credit to original creator and enjoy.

POV Walden

It's been a few days since I thought of Alan and it's not just friendly thoughts, there are thoughts of love. The problem is that I know he has more or less denied that he was gay and I am currently in relationship with Zoey. So it's a little bad. But I can not stand to have his thoughts in me during the day and I also dream of him. I then asked her to come with me on the terrace when the evening fell for discussion.

I served him a drink and he said "Thank you" so I spoke to him and told him "Is it wrong to be in a relationship and think of another person?",

He said, "Why are you saying that?"

"It's been a few days since I thought of someone and I can not get them out of my head"

"But you're with Zoey and you're in love with her"

"That's what I thought, but I realize that I want to be with another person"

"And who is this person?" He asks me

That's when I kiss her and tell her "This person is you"

But what I was not expecting happened, Zoey surprised us when we kissed and she said shouting "What are you doing Walden, it's so bad, so forbidden ... I did not think that of you"

I then told him "There is nothing wrong or bad about what I did to Alan"

"I would never have thought that you were also attracted to men"

"If I'm attracted to both, but I never talked about it because I knew it would be your reaction"

With Zoey once we had seen a gay couple when we were together and she was uncomfortable and she told me that she did not really like that. That's when I realized that she was homophobic.

"You know how everything is over between us, I thought you were sincere to me and my daughter, but I see that I'm wrong and you're no better than all the guys"

"Zoey, if you would not have surprised me, I would still have broken with you, I'm sorry I did not hurt you, I thought that with you I could stop thinking about him, but that is wrong"

"It was when we saw the two gay people together that suddenly you decided it was time for you"

"It was a trigger, I was just waiting for the right moment, I'm sorry for making you suffer"

I then saw Zoey putting her house key on the table and she left, I think after that we heard more about it.

"Walden, the kiss you made me and the discussion you had with Zoey, it's true, you're not playing with my nerves?" Alan asked me

"As you have heard, this is true, I do not play with you, I have feelings for you for a long time, I was afraid to tell you my feelings, because you always more or less denied the fact that you could be attracted to men and I did not want you to reject me "

"I also feel something for you Walden and believe me it's love and I do not want you for your money, money is just something, love is stronger than anything. I'm happy to know that I can be loved and that someone is interested in me. "

"Come with me, I want to prove to you how much I love you" I said to him then we went up to my room and since we were both in the house we could make all the noises we wanted.

Since that night I am with Alan, where we are happy.


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