Where are you? Pt. 2

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I woke up like any other day. I stretched, I folded up my hide a bed, I look at myself in the mirror- wait, I'm not usually blue... or transparent. What the hell?! Calm down Alan, I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Maybe I should ask walden, he is a tech genius and right now I look like a hologram. I head out of my room and down the stairs. I see walden and Louis eating breakfast and Berta doing her own thing, "hello?" I ask. Nobody answers, "hello!" I say louder and still nothing. I tap Louis's shoulder, or at least I try to. My finger goes right through him. Okay, calm down. Normal, this is normal. Walden, Louis and Berta are joking and having a good time. Maybe I'm having some weird out of body experience or something. Like, I'm still in bed but I can see what's going on outside, "hey Berta, where's Alan?" Walden asks. I want to frantically wave my arms in front of him face and yell, "I'm right here!" But something is stoping me. Maybe it's the fact that Berta didn't answer the question, like she's ignoring him. It's funny, they were laughing a second ago and now it seems like Berta can't hear him, "Berta?" Walden asks again with no response, "hey Berta, can you get my toast from the counter?" Walden asks, Berta grumbles and passes him the plate of toast, "thank you. Where's Alan?" Berta turns around and acts like he can't see him again. Louis is colouring in one of the colouring books me and walden got him for Christmas. Walden payed, duh. I decide to focus on what he's colouring to distract myself. It's a picture of Batman and wonder woman holding hands

I'm Batman? I mean, I'm Batman!
Oh what is that super man?
That's me.
Oh and Wonder Woman, is that Berta?
That's you!

"I'm gonna go check on Alan." Walden said and no one responded. That snapped me from my trance and I followed him to my room, "Alan?!" He yelled but my room looked empty. I tried to communicate to him by pulled my dresser drawer open. He seemed startled but closed my drawer, "hmph..." he left my room but I stayed. Why can't they see me?

::Hallo, Bist du ein apfel? (Hello, are you an apple?(time skip))::

3 weeks. It has been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since they had been able to see him. Louis asked where I was once. I felt so happy. For one second I thought he remembered me, cared at all. But then he ran off and hasn't asked about me since. Every night walden paces in his room for hours muttering, "where are you Alan? Where are you? Where are you..." once again I want to shout, "I'm right here!" And once again something stops me, "they won't hear you." Something whispers.

Word count: 489

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