Where are you?

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Pairings: platonic Alan/Walden

Time: season 12

Summary: Alan disappears and Walden slowly starts to forget him.

He hadn't been home for weeks. At first it was nice, a lot of Alan can tire you out. Now i keep wanting to see his face, hear him say something totally awkward or even see him running to the bathroom of a restaurant to avoid a check. 3 weeks is way too long to go without seeing your best friend. Berta kept working as usual. Aka not at all. She hadn't even mentioned Alan for 3 weeks. Louis asked where he was he was once but ran off before anyone had a chance to answer, not that anyone was going to. Where was he? I had checked his room but there was nothing there. It was as if all traces of him vanished. All the pictures with him in them had disappeared, not that their were many to begin with. I felt guilty about that now. Every morning I wake up and expect to see him. Every night I go to sleep remembering less and less about him. What was his middle name again? What colour were his eyes again? What was his brother's name again?" How old was he again? What colour was his hair again? Who am I talking about? Who do I keep wanting to see? Everyone who has ever lived with me is here. My housekeeper Berta and my son Louis. Who else do I know?

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