On the trail

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I started walking a path that I hoped led to water and some where else to stay for a few nights and maybe actually get some sleep I walked for a about 3 our 4 hours and it seemed like there was no end of this path I sat down and noticed a plant that me and my dad used to eat back in Victoria the plant was called a Foraging tips it taste terrible but it's good for you. At least that's what my dad said all I can think about is my family and home and my friend Sam i still can't get over him he was almost a perfect friend he always had my back no madder what he loved the mountains and snowboarding I remember we went snowboarding and he broke his leg he was like family to me. I notice that it's getting darker so I try to get supplies for a fire a grab leaves and dead plants and sticks I see storm clouds above me and try to start the fire quickly but it was to late the rain was pouring I could hear splatters of rain hitting my body lightning striking it's really dark until this one huge lightning strike hits a tree and burns the tree and others catch fire I run for my life.

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